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  • xttrans (meaning of the values in the last row "Total") - divided into terciles


    I have a question regarding the command xttrans.
    What do the values of the last row named "Total" mean?

    See page 3: (values: 37.11 and 62.89)

    Does it mean that the probability for the value 0 in t+1 is 37.11, so 37.11% of the observations in t+1 have the value 0?

    I then, do not exactly understand how my values are not exactly 33.33% if I divided the dataset into three groups by their terciles every period. I have values near that (ca. 33.8, 33.5 and 32.7).
    I used the command "xtile" to divide. What could be the issue (or is it even an issue)?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards,

  • #2
    I think I got closer to the answer now.
    Is it 33.33% times the value per column/row and that added up per column? If so, what is the explanation of that value?
    In the dataset in reality there is still 1/3 in every group every period. But obviously, this is not what the values are showing in this transition matrix. How can these values of probabilities be explained?

