I wanted to plot the estimate for each child_age against the label of the different child age in the x-axis ,how do I do that.
So far I've run the following command. I also do not want the coefficients of controls* to show up
I wanted to plot the estimate for each child_age against the label of the different child age in the x-axis ,how do I do that.
So far I've run the following command. I also do not want the coefficients of controls* to show up
forvalues b=5/16{ reghdfe y x control1 control2 control3 if child_age==`b', absorb(year distid child_age mother_matri distid#c.year state_year ) cluster(village_id) eststo coefficent_age`b' } coefplot coefficent_age*, omitted vertical ylabel(-0.2(0.05)0.2) graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) yline(0, lpattern(line)) ytitle("Average Effect on Test Scores") xtitle("Child_Age") levels(95)