Dear all,
My question is model related. I examine the effect of a policy on the performance of two types of firms : type A and type B
Now, type A firms have 2 sub-types, I want to examine if the policy increased the performance of sub-type 1 compared to sub-type 2. I run a binary dependent variable model where Y = 1 if sub-type 1 and Y= 0 if sub-type 2.
I am afraid that because the policy affected type A firms hence both sub-types 1 and 2, results of this second model are not reliable. Can you please tell me what you think of this problem? How do I do to test the effect of the policy on sub-type 1 while accoung for an effect on sub-type 2.
All the best.
My question is model related. I examine the effect of a policy on the performance of two types of firms : type A and type B
- I run a binary dependent variable model and I find that the policy increased the performance of type A.
Now, type A firms have 2 sub-types, I want to examine if the policy increased the performance of sub-type 1 compared to sub-type 2. I run a binary dependent variable model where Y = 1 if sub-type 1 and Y= 0 if sub-type 2.
I am afraid that because the policy affected type A firms hence both sub-types 1 and 2, results of this second model are not reliable. Can you please tell me what you think of this problem? How do I do to test the effect of the policy on sub-type 1 while accoung for an effect on sub-type 2.
All the best.