I have monthly tourist arrivals data from Canada and Mexico to the USA. The columns D to AR represent sequential monthly dates from January 2000 to January 2002. I was not able to convert this data into long form since the columns do not include any date info. Any suggestion to convert this data into a long format?
Here is a very short version of my data. Actual data includes many countries and spans a much longer period.
Many thanks in advance,
I have monthly tourist arrivals data from Canada and Mexico to the USA. The columns D to AR represent sequential monthly dates from January 2000 to January 2002. I was not able to convert this data into long form since the columns do not include any date info. Any suggestion to convert this data into a long format?
Here is a very short version of my data. Actual data includes many countries and spans a much longer period.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str47 region long(D E F G H I J AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR) "Canada" 937669 933472 1383065 1362891 1257535 1081729 1731130 726370 828134 762028 1218383 1105711 1102359 1009878 1520851 1675807 1144492 1001179 818992 836539 865217 772230 1145924 981729 1006245 "Mexico" 234000 221000 270000 464000 276000 291000 574000 391000 214000 215000 439000 235000 259000 297000 571000 374000 256000 239000 255000 492000 234000 188000 212000 381000 266000 end