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  • district trends and controls for time varying district characteristics

    My treatment is at the district level, lets say exposure to conflict., while the outcome is at individual level (labour outcomes)
    I run the following regression
     reghdfe `y' `x' , absorb(year distid  distid#c.year state_year t_yr) cluster(village_id)
    where I have year fixed effects(year), district fixed effects(distid), district year linear trends (distid#c.year), state year fixed effects(state_year). I also have this annual district level time-varying variable -average temperature at the district level(t_yr).

    My question is since I already have district year linear trends does it already take care of any changes in temperature over the years?
    Is it okay to add these controls for time-varying district characteristics such as temperature or economic activity while i have district year linear trends in the model?
    What is the difference between accounting for such district level linear trends and other time-varying district characteristics?