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  • Incorporating Instrumental Variables in Spatial Panel SDM Estimation

    Hello everyone,

    As a newcomer to this forum, I hope you’ll excuse me if my question has been addressed before. I'm currently engaged in estimating a spatial panel fixed effects (SDM) model using the xsmle command. The command I'm employing is as follows:
    xsmle lny lnx1 lnx2 lnx3, wmat(Wn5) model(sdm) fe effects type(ind) vceeffects(sim, nsim(5000))

    My concern is with the potential endogeneity of the variable x3, which represents regional GDP. In a non-spatial model utilizing xtivreg2, I've employed 'ln population' (lnz1) as an instrumental variable. The instrument appears valid based on various tests. However, I'm struggling to find a method for incorporating instrumental variables into a panel SDM estimation. Consequently, I resorted to a manual estimation approach as follows:
    Step 1: xtreg lnx3 lnz1 lnx1 lnx2 i.yr, fe ro
    Step 2:predict iv_lnx3, xb
    Step 3:xsmle lny lnx1 lnx2 iv_lnx3, wmat(Wn5) model(sdm) fe effects type(ind) vceeffects(sim, nsim(5000))

    I would greatly appreciate your insights on whether this approach is appropriate, or if there exists a more refined method to handle endogenous variables in panel SDM estimations.

    Thank you very much in advance for your guidance and assistance.
