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  • Testing the equality of parameters from a two margins regressions

    I'm estimating two probit models, the first doesn´t have an interaction term but the second does. I then take the marginal effect of the main variable of interest (this variable is interacted in the second model). My main goal is to check if the coefficients from both regressions are equal to each other, i.e., if they are the same, I´m considering that including the interaction term is not relevant.

    After reading similar threads on Statalist and reading help files, I have attempted:
    1. hasuman test: I have some concerns that the implementation of this command is not valid in my case. Also, the test applies to all variables, but only want it applied to the main coefficient of interest.
    2. using the suest command: this yields a common error already discussed on Stalist "was estimated with a nonstandard vce (delta)"
    3. saving the parameters as scalars and computing the pvalue manually: as far as I know, this works, but I would like the opinion of someone that has a better understanding of the problem.
    Regarding the implementation of (1) and (3), the following example code shows what I´m doing.

    est clear    
    webuse margex, clear
    probit outcome c.age c.distance
        margins, dydx(age distance) post
        est store m1
        scalar  me1 = _b[age]
        scalar se_me1 = _se[age]
    probit outcome c.age##c.distance
        margins, dydx(age distance) post
        est store m2
        scalar  me2 = _b[age]
        scalar se_me2 = _se[age]
        hausman m1 m2, alleqs constant
        // "model fitted on these data fails to meet the asymptotic assumptions of the Hausman test; see suest for a generalized test."
        // on my data and regressions I don´t have this problem.
        test (me1 = me2)
        scalar se_diff_me = sqrt(se_me1^2 + se_me2^2)
        scalar test_stat = diff_me/se_diff_me
        scalar p_value = 2 * normal(-abs(test_stat))
        di "Test statistic: " test_stat
        di "P-value: " p_value
    Would this manual implementation of the test be correct?

    Thank you for your help.

  • #2
    you can use -test- after -suest- to investigate the equality of coefficients:
    . sysuse auto.dta
    (1978 automobile data)
    . probit foreign mpg trunk
    Iteration 0:  Log likelihood =  -45.03321  
    Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -37.911178  
    Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -37.855949  
    Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -37.855923  
    Iteration 4:  Log likelihood = -37.855923  
    Probit regression                                       Number of obs =     74
                                                            LR chi2(2)    =  14.35
                                                            Prob > chi2   = 0.0008
    Log likelihood = -37.855923                             Pseudo R2     = 0.1594
         foreign | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
             mpg |   .0642779   .0342888     1.87   0.061    -.0029269    .1314828
           trunk |  -.0827252   .0500744    -1.65   0.099    -.1808691    .0154188
           _cons |  -.8688439   1.225788    -0.71   0.478    -3.271345    1.533657
    . estimates store A
    . probit foreign c.mpg##c.trunk
    Iteration 0:  Log likelihood =  -45.03321  
    Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -37.279225  
    Iteration 2:  Log likelihood =   -36.8426  
    Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -36.838409  
    Iteration 4:  Log likelihood = -36.838408  
    Probit regression                                       Number of obs =     74
                                                            LR chi2(3)    =  16.39
                                                            Prob > chi2   = 0.0009
    Log likelihood = -36.838408                             Pseudo R2     = 0.1820
          foreign | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
              mpg |  -.1193748   .1369901    -0.87   0.384    -.3878705    .1491209
            trunk |  -.4069433    .247869    -1.64   0.101    -.8927575     .078871
    c.mpg#c.trunk |   .0148876   .0110341     1.35   0.177    -.0067387     .036514
            _cons |   3.277949   3.264688     1.00   0.315    -3.120722    9.676619
    . estimates store B
    . suest A B
    Simultaneous results for A, B                               Number of obs = 74
                  |               Robust
                  | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
    A_foreign     |
              mpg |   .0642779    .034186     1.88   0.060    -.0027255    .1312813
            trunk |  -.0827252   .0429758    -1.92   0.054    -.1669563    .0015059
            _cons |  -.8688439   1.198068    -0.73   0.468    -3.217015    1.479327
    B_foreign     |
              mpg |  -.1193748   .1210122    -0.99   0.324    -.3565543    .1178047
            trunk |  -.4069433   .2006345    -2.03   0.043    -.8001797   -.0137068
    c.mpg#c.trunk |   .0148876   .0091054     1.64   0.102    -.0029586    .0327339
            _cons |   3.277949   2.875403     1.14   0.254    -2.357738    8.913636
    . test [A_foreign]mpg=[B_foreign]mpg
     ( 1)  [A_foreign]mpg - [B_foreign]mpg = 0
               chi2(  1) =    2.58
             Prob > chi2 =    0.1083
    . test [A_foreign]trunk=[B_foreign]trunk
     ( 1)  [A_foreign]trunk - [B_foreign]trunk = 0
               chi2(  1) =    2.61
             Prob > chi2 =    0.1063
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Hi Carlo, thanks a lot for your reply!

      My goal would be applying something under the spirit of your implementation, but for the marginal effects, as I´m interested in testing if the overall effect of the main variable of interest changes with the interaction (evaluated at a certain point, such as the mean). When trying to use -suest- the error message
      was estimated with a nonstandard vce (delta)
      appears, thus, I tried to implement the test manually.

      Therefore, my ultimate goal is to test if the coefficients of the marginal effects are equal to each other. I can´t use the probit coefficients because the interaction is not considered. I appreciate any comments you and other members might have in regards to this.

      Thanks once again.


      • #4
        I think your proposed solution sounds good.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          Thanks a lot for your comments Carlo!

          But now I convinced myself my implementation won´t work, as I the denominator doesn't account for the covariance between the two parameters, and -suest- would be the only way to have a covariance matrix to address this.


          • #6
            yes, I had the same suspect about the missing covariance (I thought that you were inadvertently left it unreported in your code).
            That said, I think that, for what you're after, -suest- is the best approach (admittedly, I would not consider -margins- as a viable tool for that).
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Thanks once again Carlo!
              Indeed, I´m now considering the following, as probably the best solution possible:
              1. estimate the probit coefficients, use -suest- to combine them, and then test the equality of the parameters.
              2. after having the result of the test, compute the marginal effects, and use the test of the parameters as a reference to what the test of the marginal effects would be. this won't be 100% accurate, as in the simple case of testing if a parameter is different from zero, the hypothesis tests of the parameters don´t rule out the need to test the for the marginal effects, and vice-versa.

              est clear    
              webuse margex, clear
              probit outcome c.age c.distance
                  est store p1
              probit outcome c.age##c.distance
                  est store p2
              suest p1 p2
              test [p1_outcome]age = [p2_outcome]age + [p2_outcome]age#c.distance
              est restore p1
              margins,dydx(age) post
                  est store m1
              est restore p2
              margins,dydx(age) post
                  est store m2
              esttab m1 m2


              • #8
                I still think that in your example, both -probit- and -suest- proves that interaction is not informative.
                However, I find your approach interesting.
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #9
                  Yes, I agree. Thanks a lot for all your input Carlo!

