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  • The estimated Gini output value and standard error do not appear using Svyset and Svylorenz

    I am trying to estimate the Gini value along with the standard error per sub-district in a province. this is the code,

    use "RawDataDIY.dta", clear
    svyset [pweight=weind], singleunit(centered)
    gen gini_k =.
    gen se_k=.
    egen kec = group(KodeKec)
    levels kec, local(levels)
    foreach i of local levels {
    qui: capture svylorenz rpcexp if kec== `i'
    qui: capture replace gini_k = e(gini) if kec == `i'
    qui: capture replace se_k = e(se_gini) if kec == `i'
    se more off
    gen rse_k=(se_k/gini_k)*100
    tabstat gini_k se_k rse_k, by(KodeKec) stat(mean)
    so 'KodeKec' is the code for the sub-district, 'rpcexp' is per capita expenditure, and 'weind' is weight

    there are 78 sub-districts in this province, after I run this code with the output in the form of a table, there are gini_k, se_k, rse_k values for several sub-districts the values do not come out, the results are like this

     kec |    gini_k      se_k     rse_k
           1 |         .         .         .
           2 |  .3236615  .0409631  12.65615
           3 |  .3479927  .0208529  5.992333
           4 |         .         .         .
           5 |  .4850726  .0746428  15.38797
           6 |   .272455  .0343273  12.59924
           7 |  .4115441   .030173  7.331648
           8 |  .3644902  .0447773  12.28492
           9 |  .2005783  .0572163  28.52565
          10 |  .3069342   .039483  12.86366
          11 |  .4392424  .0368892  8.398365
          12 |  .3881672   .022053  5.681323
          13 |  .4200568  .0638027  15.18906
          14 |  .3091764  .0473599  15.31808
          15 |  .3288876   .028269  8.595346
          16 |  .2593643  .0284335  10.96276
          17 |  .2931836  .0285276  9.730268
          18 |  .3450475  .0479122  13.88569
          19 |         .         .         .
          20 |  .3720469   .059162  15.90176
          21 |  .3199758  .0402154  12.56828
          22 |  .3560917  .0568015  15.95138
          23 |  .2482602  .0187694  7.560367
          24 |  .4864481  .0533019  10.95737
          25 |  .3809263  .0351225   9.22028
          26 |   .466657  .0340591  7.298533
          27 |  .4493191  .0345365   7.68641
          28 |         .         .         .
          29 |  .3807119  .0345034  9.062861
          30 |  .2187588  .0633805  28.97279
          31 |  .2169345  .0498574  22.98272
          32 |  .2930791   .041907  14.29888
          33 |  .2822609  .0246727  8.741098
          34 |  .3636091  .0600133  16.50489
          35 |  .2778798  .0411844  14.82093
          36 |  .2778468  .0507827  18.27723
          37 |   .225424  .0390376  17.31742
          38 |  .2661427  .0328803  12.35437
          39 |  .4669875    .05516  11.81188
          40 |  .3066085  .0892138  29.09697
          41 |  .2607204  .0341451  13.09642
          42 |  .3174371  .0357079  11.24881
          43 |   .276811  .0318549  11.50782
          44 |  .2920399  .0445752  15.26339
          45 |   .160203  .0305986  19.09992
          46 |  .1921299  .0249694  12.99611
          47 |  .2760913  .0383637  13.89531
          48 |  .2393108  .0420418  17.56789
          49 |  .2303829  .0414115  17.97509
          50 |  .3431368  .0424198  12.36236
          51 |  .4138712  .0367787  8.886518
          52 |  .4894471  .0428221  8.749076
          53 |  .3442785  .0284406  8.260928
          54 |  .4590557  .0454393  9.898438
          55 |  .3163427  .0464025  14.66842
          56 |  .3549649  .0511322  14.40485
          57 |  .4566012   .047583  10.42113
          58 |  .3469048  .0413049  11.90669
          59 |  .4028805  .0358368  8.895141
          60 |  .3314333  .0478619  14.44088
          61 |         .         .         .
          62 |  .3649019  .0535948  14.68746
          63 |  .3272823  .0478088  14.60781
          64 |  .2605245  .0770205  29.56364
          65 |  .4425852  .0352412  7.962574
          66 |         .         .         .
          67 |  .4685251  .0308531  6.585158
          68 |  .5205715   .035366  6.793694
          69 |  .3967743  .0384328  9.686321
          70 |  .6408389  .0420558  6.562621
          71 |     .3831  .0433151  11.30647
          72 |  .5752777  .0496639   8.63303
          73 |         .         .         .
          74 |  .5341707  .0616662  11.54429
          75 |         .         .         .
          76 |  .1951421  .0537406   27.5392
          77 |  .3857671   .043824  11.36022
          78 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
    for sub-district code 1,4,19,28,61,66,73,75 The value doesn't come out, why could this happen even though all the sub-district codes have been checked and there are no missing values

    . tab kec, missing
    group(KodeK |
            ec) |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
              1 |         20        0.50        0.50
              2 |         60        1.51        2.02
              3 |        110        2.77        4.79
              4 |         30        0.76        5.55
              5 |         20        0.50        6.05
              6 |         70        1.77        7.82
              7 |         80        2.02        9.83
              8 |        110        2.77       12.61
              9 |         30        0.76       13.36
             10 |         70        1.77       15.13
             11 |         40        1.01       16.14
             12 |         70        1.77       17.90
             13 |         20        0.50       18.41
             14 |         30        0.76       19.16
             15 |         20        0.50       19.67
             16 |         30        0.76       20.42
             17 |         40        1.01       21.43
             18 |         40        1.01       22.44
             19 |         50        1.26       23.70
             20 |         40        1.01       24.71
             21 |         70        1.77       26.48
             22 |         30        0.76       27.23
             23 |         60        1.51       28.74
             24 |         40        1.01       29.75
             25 |        120        3.03       32.78
             26 |         88        2.22       35.00
             27 |        110        2.77       37.77
             28 |         30        0.76       38.53
             29 |         40        1.01       39.54
             30 |         30        0.76       40.29
             31 |         30        0.76       41.05
             32 |         40        1.01       42.06
             33 |         70        1.77       43.82
             34 |         40        1.01       44.83
             35 |         40        1.01       45.84
             36 |         50        1.26       47.10
             37 |         40        1.01       48.11
             38 |         40        1.01       49.12
             39 |         70        1.77       50.88
             40 |         30        0.76       51.64
             41 |         60        1.51       53.15
             42 |         70        1.77       54.92
             43 |         30        0.76       55.67
             44 |         60        1.51       57.19
             45 |         40        1.01       58.19
             46 |         30        0.76       58.95
             47 |         60        1.51       60.46
             48 |         20        0.50       60.97
             49 |         20        0.50       61.47
             50 |         30        0.76       62.23
             51 |         49        1.24       63.46
             52 |         70        1.77       65.23
             53 |         81        2.04       67.27
             54 |        141        3.56       70.83
             55 |         30        0.76       71.58
             56 |         60        1.51       73.10
             57 |         50        1.26       74.36
             58 |         51        1.29       75.64
             59 |         75        1.89       77.53
             60 |         50        1.26       78.79
             61 |         30        0.76       79.55
             62 |         40        1.01       80.56
             63 |         30        0.76       81.32
             64 |         50        1.26       82.58
             65 |         54        1.36       83.94
             66 |         17        0.43       84.37
             67 |         57        1.44       85.80
             68 |        168        4.24       90.04
             69 |         51        1.29       91.33
             70 |         93        2.34       93.67
             71 |         26        0.66       94.33
             72 |         19        0.48       94.81
             73 |         17        0.43       95.23
             74 |         27        0.68       95.92
             75 |         38        0.96       96.87
             76 |         19        0.48       97.35
             77 |         39        0.98       98.34
             78 |         66        1.66      100.00
    Last edited by sladmin; 18 Jan 2024, 09:00. Reason: anonymize data per user request

  • #2
    You look like you're wanting to calculate Gini and accompanying statistics for subgroups with very few observations! The number of subgroups for which income shares are calculated, ngp(#), which is done before calculating the Gini has #=10 as default (see the help-file). So, for a subgroup with only 20 obs, -svylorenz- is trying to calculate statistics such as decile group income shares using 20/10 = 2 obs. No wonder Stata complains and gives ".". Since you're only interested in the Gini, I suggest using "ngp(2)" as an option to your call to -svylorenz- and see what happens.

    -svylorenz- was written 19 years ago, and was the first Stata program to provide SEs for Gini, quantile group incomes shares, Lorenz and generalised Lorenz ordinates. If you're only interested in the Gini, you might also check out recently-written program -dstat- (by Ben Jann, SSC). It gives the same estimates as my program for corresponding statistics. But, whichever you use, remember the 'small sample size' issue and how/whether it applies in your case


    • #3
      Originally posted by Stephen Jenkins View Post
      You look like you're wanting to calculate Gini and accompanying statistics for subgroups with very few observations! The number of subgroups for which income shares are calculated, ngp(#), which is done before calculating the Gini has #=10 as default (see the help-file). So, for a subgroup with only 20 obs, -svylorenz- is trying to calculate statistics such as decile group income shares using 20/10 = 2 obs. No wonder Stata complains and gives ".". Since you're only interested in the Gini, I suggest using "ngp(2)" as an option to your call to -svylorenz- and see what happens.

      -svylorenz- was written 19 years ago, and was the first Stata program to provide SEs for Gini, quantile group incomes shares, Lorenz and generalised Lorenz ordinates. If you're only interested in the Gini, you might also check out recently-written program -dstat- (by Ben Jann, SSC). It gives the same estimates as my program for corresponding statistics. But, whichever you use, remember the 'small sample size' issue and how/whether it applies in your case
      Hi Mr Jenkins, thanks for replying to me
      I've tried what you suggested, I added the code so it looks like this,

      use "rawGiniDIY.dta", clear
      svyset [pweight=weind], singleunit(centered)
      gen gini_k =.
      gen se_k=.
      egen kec = group(KodeKec)
      levels kec, local(levels)
      foreach i of local levels {
      qui: capture svylorenz rpcexp, ngp(2) if kec== `i'
      qui: capture replace gini_k = e(gini) if kec == `i'
      qui: capture replace se_k = e(se_gini) if kec == `i'
      se more off
      gen rse_k=(se_k/gini_k)*100
      tabstat gini_k se_k rse_k, by(KodeKec) stat(mean)
      ereturn list
      putexcel set "H:\My Drive\Skripsi\Pengolahan\Stata\giniRatioStataDIY.xlsx"
      putexcel A1 = matrix(e(gini_k)) A3 = matrix(e(se_k)) A5 = matrix(e(rse_k)), names
      but the output Gini value is actually the same value for all groups, did I make a mistake in adding the code?

      kec |    gini_k      se_k     rse_k
             1 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             2 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             3 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             4 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             5 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             6 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             7 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             8 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
             9 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            10 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            11 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            12 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            13 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            14 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            15 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            16 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            17 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            18 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            19 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            20 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            21 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            22 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            23 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            24 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            25 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            26 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            27 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            28 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            29 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            30 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            31 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            32 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            33 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            34 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            35 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            36 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            37 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            38 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            39 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            40 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            41 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            42 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            43 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            44 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            45 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            46 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            47 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            48 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            49 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            50 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            51 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            52 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            53 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            54 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            55 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            56 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            57 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            58 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            59 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            60 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            61 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            62 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            63 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            64 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            65 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            66 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            67 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            68 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            69 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            70 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            71 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            72 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            73 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            74 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            75 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            76 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            77 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
            78 |  .3710934  .0367112  9.892708
      Last edited by sladmin; 18 Jan 2024, 09:00. Reason: anonymize data per user request


      • #4
        Hi Mr. Jenkins,
        Finally I found out where my mistake was, and the code worked perfectly
        Thank you for your help,

