I am trying to estimate the Gini value along with the standard error per sub-district in a province. this is the code,
so 'KodeKec' is the code for the sub-district, 'rpcexp' is per capita expenditure, and 'weind' is weight
there are 78 sub-districts in this province, after I run this code with the output in the form of a table, there are gini_k, se_k, rse_k values for several sub-districts the values do not come out, the results are like this
for sub-district code 1,4,19,28,61,66,73,75 The value doesn't come out, why could this happen even though all the sub-district codes have been checked and there are no missing values
use "RawDataDIY.dta", clear svyset [pweight=weind], singleunit(centered) gen gini_k =. gen se_k=. egen kec = group(KodeKec) levels kec, local(levels) foreach i of local levels { qui: capture svylorenz rpcexp if kec== `i' qui: capture replace gini_k = e(gini) if kec == `i' qui: capture replace se_k = e(se_gini) if kec == `i' } se more off gen rse_k=(se_k/gini_k)*100 tabstat gini_k se_k rse_k, by(KodeKec) stat(mean)
there are 78 sub-districts in this province, after I run this code with the output in the form of a table, there are gini_k, se_k, rse_k values for several sub-districts the values do not come out, the results are like this
kec | gini_k se_k rse_k ---------+------------------------------ 1 | . . . 2 | .3236615 .0409631 12.65615 3 | .3479927 .0208529 5.992333 4 | . . . 5 | .4850726 .0746428 15.38797 6 | .272455 .0343273 12.59924 7 | .4115441 .030173 7.331648 8 | .3644902 .0447773 12.28492 9 | .2005783 .0572163 28.52565 10 | .3069342 .039483 12.86366 11 | .4392424 .0368892 8.398365 12 | .3881672 .022053 5.681323 13 | .4200568 .0638027 15.18906 14 | .3091764 .0473599 15.31808 15 | .3288876 .028269 8.595346 16 | .2593643 .0284335 10.96276 17 | .2931836 .0285276 9.730268 18 | .3450475 .0479122 13.88569 19 | . . . 20 | .3720469 .059162 15.90176 21 | .3199758 .0402154 12.56828 22 | .3560917 .0568015 15.95138 23 | .2482602 .0187694 7.560367 24 | .4864481 .0533019 10.95737 25 | .3809263 .0351225 9.22028 26 | .466657 .0340591 7.298533 27 | .4493191 .0345365 7.68641 28 | . . . 29 | .3807119 .0345034 9.062861 30 | .2187588 .0633805 28.97279 31 | .2169345 .0498574 22.98272 32 | .2930791 .041907 14.29888 33 | .2822609 .0246727 8.741098 34 | .3636091 .0600133 16.50489 35 | .2778798 .0411844 14.82093 36 | .2778468 .0507827 18.27723 37 | .225424 .0390376 17.31742 38 | .2661427 .0328803 12.35437 39 | .4669875 .05516 11.81188 40 | .3066085 .0892138 29.09697 41 | .2607204 .0341451 13.09642 42 | .3174371 .0357079 11.24881 43 | .276811 .0318549 11.50782 44 | .2920399 .0445752 15.26339 45 | .160203 .0305986 19.09992 46 | .1921299 .0249694 12.99611 47 | .2760913 .0383637 13.89531 48 | .2393108 .0420418 17.56789 49 | .2303829 .0414115 17.97509 50 | .3431368 .0424198 12.36236 51 | .4138712 .0367787 8.886518 52 | .4894471 .0428221 8.749076 53 | .3442785 .0284406 8.260928 54 | .4590557 .0454393 9.898438 55 | .3163427 .0464025 14.66842 56 | .3549649 .0511322 14.40485 57 | .4566012 .047583 10.42113 58 | .3469048 .0413049 11.90669 59 | .4028805 .0358368 8.895141 60 | .3314333 .0478619 14.44088 61 | . . . 62 | .3649019 .0535948 14.68746 63 | .3272823 .0478088 14.60781 64 | .2605245 .0770205 29.56364 65 | .4425852 .0352412 7.962574 66 | . . . 67 | .4685251 .0308531 6.585158 68 | .5205715 .035366 6.793694 69 | .3967743 .0384328 9.686321 70 | .6408389 .0420558 6.562621 71 | .3831 .0433151 11.30647 72 | .5752777 .0496639 8.63303 73 | . . . 74 | .5341707 .0616662 11.54429 75 | . . . 76 | .1951421 .0537406 27.5392 77 | .3857671 .043824 11.36022 78 | .3710934 .0367112 9.892708
. tab kec, missing group(KodeK | ec) | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 20 0.50 0.50 2 | 60 1.51 2.02 3 | 110 2.77 4.79 4 | 30 0.76 5.55 5 | 20 0.50 6.05 6 | 70 1.77 7.82 7 | 80 2.02 9.83 8 | 110 2.77 12.61 9 | 30 0.76 13.36 10 | 70 1.77 15.13 11 | 40 1.01 16.14 12 | 70 1.77 17.90 13 | 20 0.50 18.41 14 | 30 0.76 19.16 15 | 20 0.50 19.67 16 | 30 0.76 20.42 17 | 40 1.01 21.43 18 | 40 1.01 22.44 19 | 50 1.26 23.70 20 | 40 1.01 24.71 21 | 70 1.77 26.48 22 | 30 0.76 27.23 23 | 60 1.51 28.74 24 | 40 1.01 29.75 25 | 120 3.03 32.78 26 | 88 2.22 35.00 27 | 110 2.77 37.77 28 | 30 0.76 38.53 29 | 40 1.01 39.54 30 | 30 0.76 40.29 31 | 30 0.76 41.05 32 | 40 1.01 42.06 33 | 70 1.77 43.82 34 | 40 1.01 44.83 35 | 40 1.01 45.84 36 | 50 1.26 47.10 37 | 40 1.01 48.11 38 | 40 1.01 49.12 39 | 70 1.77 50.88 40 | 30 0.76 51.64 41 | 60 1.51 53.15 42 | 70 1.77 54.92 43 | 30 0.76 55.67 44 | 60 1.51 57.19 45 | 40 1.01 58.19 46 | 30 0.76 58.95 47 | 60 1.51 60.46 48 | 20 0.50 60.97 49 | 20 0.50 61.47 50 | 30 0.76 62.23 51 | 49 1.24 63.46 52 | 70 1.77 65.23 53 | 81 2.04 67.27 54 | 141 3.56 70.83 55 | 30 0.76 71.58 56 | 60 1.51 73.10 57 | 50 1.26 74.36 58 | 51 1.29 75.64 59 | 75 1.89 77.53 60 | 50 1.26 78.79 61 | 30 0.76 79.55 62 | 40 1.01 80.56 63 | 30 0.76 81.32 64 | 50 1.26 82.58 65 | 54 1.36 83.94 66 | 17 0.43 84.37 67 | 57 1.44 85.80 68 | 168 4.24 90.04 69 | 51 1.29 91.33 70 | 93 2.34 93.67 71 | 26 0.66 94.33 72 | 19 0.48 94.81 73 | 17 0.43 95.23 74 | 27 0.68 95.92 75 | 38 0.96 96.87 76 | 19 0.48 97.35 77 | 39 0.98 98.34 78 | 66 1.66 100.00