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  • export table results with weighted counts

    Hi everyone,

    I have been trying to either save my tabulated results as a dataset or export the results to xlsx/csv and have run into issues because my command involves tabulating counts weighted by survey weights (pweights) and a large number of values.

    I would like to create a dataset from my crosstab of weighted counts by country of birth (n=100) and survey country (n=68). This is the command I use to produce the table I want to be able to export/save.

    svy: tab country_birth country_survey if outcome==1, count format(%11.0f)

    I have tried to use tabxl, tabout, and putexcel but keep getting errors because of too many values (tabout) or pweights not being allowed (tab2xl).

    Any suggestions as to how I can do this simply would be much appreciated. My present workaround is to collapse by country of birth and survey country and then reshape to wide on the country of birth which then requires long, tedious code to rename variables.

    Thanks in advance!


  • #2
    ssc install estout, replace

    webuse nhanes2b, clear
    svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid)
    estpost svy: tab race diabetes, count format(%12.0f)
    esttab . using myfile.csv, replace main(b) mlab(none) ///
    noobs not nonotes nonumbers unstack ///
    title("Counts by race") ///
    nostar label noabbrev

    . estpost svy: tab race diabetes, count format(%12.0f)
    (running tabulate on estimation sample)
    Number of strata = 31                            Number of obs   =      10,349
    Number of PSUs   = 62                            Population size = 117,131,111
                                                     Design df       =          31
              |         Diabetes status        
         Race |  Not diab   Diabetic      Total
        White |  99682793    3290354  102973147
        Black |  10528681     660555   11189236
        Other |   2908356      60372    2968728
        Total | 113119830    4011281  117131111
    Key: Weighted count
        Uncorrected   chi2(2)         =   21.3483
        Design-based  F(1.52, 47.26)  =   15.0056     P = 0.0000
    . esttab ., replace main(b) mlab(none) ///
    > noobs not nonotes nonumbers unstack ///
    > title("Counts by race") ///
    > nostar label noabbrev
    Counts by race
                         Not diabetic     Diabetic        Total
    White                    99682793      3290354    102973147
    Black                    10528681       660555     11189236
    Other                     2908356        60372      2968728
    Total                   113119830      4011281    117131111

    From the stored results in e(), you can build the same table with collect. See

    help collect


    • #3
      Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I did try estpost also but I get the error "too many values" in response to this part of my code:

      estpost svy: tab country_birth country_survey if outcome==1, count format(%11.0f)

      Let me know if I'm missing something that could get around this.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Elise Gordon View Post

        Let me know if I'm missing something that could get around this.
        Ah, this should be a limit of tabulate. You cannot do anything about it. If your workaround in #1 works, I would work on automating it. Can you provide an example based on #2 for suggestions? I don't work with complex survey data or have to create large tabulations, so others may have better solutions.


        • #5
          If you have Stata 17 or 18 you could try this (assuming that the weight variable is called weight)

          table (country_birth) (country_survey) if outcome==1 [pweight=weight], nformat(%11.0f)
          collect export newfile.xlsx, replace
          If you have an older version of Stata, then you can create a dataset containing the counts. So
          gen one = 1 if !missing(country_birth, country_survey) & outcome == 1
          collapse (count) one [pweight=weight], by(country_birth country_survey)
          reshape wide weight, i(country_birth) j(country_survey)
          After that you can export the dataset to excel
          Maarten L. Buis
          University of Konstanz
          Department of history and sociology
          box 40
          78457 Konstanz



          • #6
            Thanks Maarten, table and collect worked perfectly!

