no, it is not (as you wrote, more conservative threshold of 30 is also reported; see page 2454 Stata .pdf manual).
In addition, if you have both linear and square terms for a given predictor, the -vif- value is, as expected, high (and unavoidably so):
no, it is not (as you wrote, more conservative threshold of 30 is also reported; see page 2454 Stata .pdf manual).
In addition, if you have both linear and square terms for a given predictor, the -vif- value is, as expected, high (and unavoidably so):
. use "" (1978 automobile data) . regress price i.foreign c.trunk##c.trunk Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 74 -------------+---------------------------------- F(3, 70) = 3.47 Model | 82140034 3 27380011.3 Prob > F = 0.0207 Residual | 552925362 70 7898933.74 R-squared = 0.1293 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0920 Total | 635065396 73 8699525.97 Root MSE = 2810.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- price | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- foreign | Foreign | 1177.11 768.6987 1.53 0.130 -356.0113 2710.231 trunk | 355.4324 464.8687 0.76 0.447 -571.719 1282.584 | c.trunk#c.trunk | -3.370961 16.64387 -0.20 0.840 -36.56612 29.8242 | _cons | 1624.499 3099.483 0.52 0.602 -4557.225 7806.223 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . estat vif Variable | VIF 1/VIF -------------+---------------------- 1.foreign | 1.16 0.864693 trunk | 36.54 0.027367 c.trunk#| c.trunk | 36.79 0.027184 -------------+---------------------- Mean VIF | 24.83 .