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  • Pushing back a series of observations

    Hi all,

    I have a dataset with 12 observations per individual. Each individual however answers only eight of 12 randomly assigned questions, and therefore I need to delete four observations for each individual which are not relevant. My first variable of interest, jobsec, records missing values straightforwardly. However, the next variable, q_order, records the eight values one after the other in the first eight rows for each individual. What I need to do is to adjust the q_order variable values to follow the same pattern as the jobsec variable; i.e., for each individual id, to make q_order equal to missing whenever jobsec is missing, and then push back other recorded values of q_order accordingly to match the jobsec values.

    Below is a sample of my data. For individual id 1, I want to make q_order=missing for the 3rd and 4th observations, and push back QID545 to the 5th observation, and QID 530 to the 7th observation, QID400 to the 8th observation, and so on. I would greatly appreciate any code that can do this for all observations.

    Thank you very much.
    individual id jobsec q_order
    1 7 QID500
    1 8 QID300
    1 . QID545
    1 . QID530
    1 6 QID400
    1 . QID350
    1 5 QID310
    1 9 QID560
    1 6 .
    1 7 .
    1 8 .
    1 . .
    2 . QID530
    2 4 QID500
    2 . QID310
    2 6 QID 440
    2 9 QID350
    2 7 QID310
    2 7 QID400
    2 3 QID545
    2 . .
    2 . .
    2 5 .
    2 6 .

  • #2
    You are 33 posts in, so familiarize yourself with the dataex command for presenting data examples (see FAQ Advice #12 for details)

    input byte(individualid jobsec) str7 q_order
    1 7 "QID500"
    1 8 "QID300"
    1 . "QID545"
    1 . "QID530"
    1 6 "QID400"
    1 . "QID350"
    1 5 "QID310"
    1 9 "QID560"
    1 6 "."      
    1 7 "."      
    1 8 "."      
    1 . "."      
    2 . "QID530"
    2 4 "QID500"
    2 . "QID310"
    2 6 "QID 440"
    2 9 "QID350"
    2 7 "QID310"
    2 7 "QID400"
    2 3 "QID545"
    2 . "."      
    2 . "."      
    2 5 "."      
    2 6 "."      
    frame put ind jobsec, into(dropobs)
    gen obsno=_n
    bys ind (obsno): replace obsno=_n
    frame dropobs{
        drop if missing(jobsec)
        gen obsno=_n
        bys ind (obsno): replace obsno=_n
    frlink 1:1 ind obsno, frame(dropobs)
    frget wanted= jobsec, from(dropobs)
    frame drop dropobs
    drop if missing(wanted)
    drop jobsec obsno dropobs

    . l, sepby(ind)
         | indivi~d   q_order   wanted |
      1. |        1    QID500        7 |
      2. |        1    QID300        8 |
      3. |        1    QID545        6 |
      4. |        1    QID530        5 |
      5. |        1    QID400        9 |
      6. |        1    QID350        6 |
      7. |        1    QID310        7 |
      8. |        1    QID560        8 |
      9. |        2    QID530        4 |
     10. |        2    QID500        6 |
     11. |        2    QID310        9 |
     12. |        2   QID 440        7 |
     13. |        2    QID350        7 |
     14. |        2    QID310        3 |
     15. |        2    QID400        5 |
     16. |        2    QID545        6 |
    Last edited by Andrew Musau; 10 Jan 2024, 04:45.


    • #3
      Thanks very much for this, Andrew.

      If I understand the code correctly, it matches the two variables by rearranging the jobsec variable, right? This will be a bit messy, since there are many other variables in the actual dataset which are aligned with the jobsec variable. Therefore I would like to rearrange the q_order variable instead, in line with the jobsec variable (inserting missing values to q_oprder where there are missing values in jobsec and changing other values accordingly). Is this doable?


      • #4
        input byte(individualid jobsec) str7 q_order
        1 7 "QID500"
        1 8 "QID300"
        1 . "QID545"
        1 . "QID530"
        1 6 "QID400"
        1 . "QID350"
        1 5 "QID310"
        1 9 "QID560"
        1 6 ""      
        1 7 ""      
        1 8 ""      
        1 . ""      
        2 . "QID530"
        2 4 "QID500"
        2 . "QID310"
        2 6 "QID 440"
        2 9 "QID350"
        2 7 "QID310"
        2 7 "QID400"
        2 3 "QID545"
        2 . ""      
        2 . ""      
        2 5 ""      
        2 6 ""      
        gen long obsno=_n
        bys ind (obsno): gen seq=sum(!missing(jobsec)) if !missing(jobsec)
        bys ind (obsno): gen seq2=sum(!missing(q_order)) if !missing(q_order)
        frame put ind seq2 q_order if !missing(q_order), into(Seq2)
        frlink m:1 ind seq, frame(Seq2 ind seq2)
        frget wanted= q_order, from(Seq2)
        frame drop Seq2
        drop obsno seq seq2 Seq2 q_order

        . l, sepby(ind)
             | indivi~d   jobsec    wanted |
          1. |        1        7    QID500 |
          2. |        1        8    QID300 |
          3. |        1        .           |
          4. |        1        .           |
          5. |        1        6    QID545 |
          6. |        1        .           |
          7. |        1        5    QID530 |
          8. |        1        9    QID400 |
          9. |        1        6    QID350 |
         10. |        1        7    QID310 |
         11. |        1        8    QID560 |
         12. |        1        .           |
         13. |        2        .           |
         14. |        2        4    QID530 |
         15. |        2        .           |
         16. |        2        6    QID500 |
         17. |        2        9    QID310 |
         18. |        2        7   QID 440 |
         19. |        2        7    QID350 |
         20. |        2        3    QID310 |
         21. |        2        .           |
         22. |        2        .           |
         23. |        2        5    QID400 |
         24. |        2        6    QID545 |


        • #5
          This worked, thank you so much!

