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  • What is the maximum number of stored regression estimates which stata can give in a single window without scrambling the output?

    I am trying to execute the following code. But the output gets scrambled and hence I can not distinguish the results.

    estout HurrReg9 HurrReg10 HurrReg11 HurrReg13 HurrReg14 HurrReg15 ///
    Coastal9 Coastal10 Coastal11 Coastal13 Coastal14 Coastal15 ///
    Rainreg9 Rainreg10 Rainreg11 Rainreg13 Rainreg14 Rainreg15 ///
    WindCont9 WindCont10 WindCont11 WindCont13 WindCont14 WindCont15 ///
    , cells(b(star fmt(3)) se(par fmt(2))) ///
    keep (`treat_vars') ///
    stats(N r2 r2_a p, labels("Observations" "R-square" "Adjusted R-square" "Model Significance")) ///
    title("Regression Results")

  • #2
    I don't think there is any fixed number of such estimates. Rather it is a question of the limited width of the Results window. When Stata displays results that run off the right side of the screen, it breaks the line there and continues on the next line. When those results are, as here, regression tables, the results get scrambled and become difficult or impossible to read. Where that occurs will depend on the width of the columns in the table--it will fit as many on one line as it can.

    If you look at where the line breaks on the heading row of the output you got, that will probably be a good indicator of how far you can go with this particular output. Breaking this command up into several commands, each dealing with a smaller number of estimates, is one solution. If that isn't satisfactory for your purposes, you could have -estout- save the estimates table as a tab-delimited file, and then you can open that in a spreadsheet application, which will, for practical purposes, allow you unlimited width. Another, probably less effective, approach would be to open the results in a word processing application and then reduce the typeface size until it fits--although for the number of estimates you are dealing with I suspect the resulting type would be too small to read.

