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  • PPML Stata Code

    Hello everyone,
    I am currently trying a PPML estimation to analyze a few countries and FTA's for trade creation and trade diversion. I want to use the PPML method for this. My current command looks like this:
    ppml_panel_sg value_trade ln_GDPexp lnGDPimp ln_POPexp ln_POPimp ln_dist comlang_off contig Intra Extra, ex(iso_o) im(iso_d) y(year)
    Intra is a dummy variable for trade creation and Extra is a dummy for trade diversion.

    My questions/problems at the moment are:
    1) Every time I try to run this command in Stata, ln_GDPexp lnGDPimp ln_POPexp ln_POPimp ln_dist comlang_off contig and Extra are omitted. What is the reason for this and is there a way around it?
    2) Is there perhaps a better command in Stata for analyzing trade data with the PPML?
    I am happy to receive any information on this topic.
    Best regards

  • #2
    Dear Niklas Schmiedel,

    Those variables are dropped because they are collinear with the fixed effects. I suggest you use ppmlhdfe, but the results should be exactly the same.

    Best wishes,



    • #3
      I will try your suggestion. Thank you very much.

