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  • How to interpret coefficients of xtpoisson?

    Dear all,

    How to interpret the coefficient for atet_T1#c.intensity? I'd appreciate any feedback.

    . xtpoisson yvar atet_T1##c.intensity i.rural `controls' i.year, fe vce(robust) 
    note: 51 groups (505 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes
    Iteration 0:  Log pseudolikelihood = -68040.321  
    Iteration 1:  Log pseudolikelihood = -61778.706  
    Iteration 2:  Log pseudolikelihood = -61776.723  
    Iteration 3:  Log pseudolikelihood = -61776.723  
    Conditional fixed-effects Poisson regression         Number of obs    = 23,358
    Group variable: countyfips                           Number of groups =  2,338
                                                         Obs per group:
                                                                      min =      5
                                                                      avg =   10.0
                                                                      max =     10
                                                         Wald chi2(12)    = 999.45
    Log pseudolikelihood = -61776.723                    Prob > chi2      = 0.0000
                                        (Std. err. adjusted for clustering on countyfips)
                        |               Robust
                   yvar | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
              1.atet_T1 |  -.0123125   .0059774    -2.06   0.039    -.0240281   -.0005969
              intensity |    .007263   .0058077     1.25   0.211    -.0041199     .018646
    atet_T1#c.intensity |
                     1  |   .0029754   .0017724     1.68   0.093    -.0004985    .0064493
                1.rural |          0  (omitted)
                   year |
                  2011  |   .0116554   .0018309     6.37   0.000     .0080669    .0152438
                  2012  |   .0273192   .0027106    10.08   0.000     .0220065     .032632
                  2013  |   .0441604   .0030787    14.34   0.000     .0381262    .0501945
                  2014  |   .0619121   .0031232    19.82   0.000     .0557908    .0680335
                  2015  |   .0759157    .003672    20.67   0.000     .0687187    .0831127
                  2016  |   .0917255    .004615    19.88   0.000     .0826802    .1007707
                  2017  |   .1047201   .0053361    19.62   0.000     .0942614    .1151787
                  2018  |   .1054591   .0058782    17.94   0.000      .093938    .1169802
                  2019  |   .1256125   .0062935    19.96   0.000     .1132774    .1379476

  • #2
    assuming that your model specifcation is correct, I would say that you can get rid of interaction, as it seems to be led by -intensity- that, in turn, does not reach statistical significance either.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      I would use margins to help with the interpretation of this interaction. First is the linear prediction of the two values of atet_TQ at representative values of intensity (should get two slopes in the plot)
      xtpoisson yvar i.atet_T1##c.intensity i.rural `controls' i.year, fe vce(robust) 
      margins atet_T1, at(intensity=(0(1)10)) // replace the numbers in parentheses with relevant values of intensity
      Or if you wanted the marginal effect of atet_T1 (predicted difference in yvar between those having 1 vs. 0) at representative values of intensity, you can do:
      margins , dydx(atet_T1) at(intensity=(0(1)10))
      Last edited by Erik Ruzek; 06 Jan 2024, 12:33. Reason: Added xtpoisson call


      • #4
        Thanks Carlo. My question was regarding this interpretation of the coefficient since in other yvars I am getting significant results.
        Last edited by Lars Pete; 07 Jan 2024, 11:15. Reason: typo


        • #5
          Thanks Erik Ruzek .
          Margins is certainly useful in postestimation, and I am getting significant results in other models, but I am not sure whether I should show margins results or actual xtpoisson results in the paper.

          In case I do the latter, how do I explain the coefficient .0029754? It is not simply 0.02 % increase in Y as X increases holding other thins constant, but there is more to that since this is poisson. For xtpoisson, the Stata documentation mentions IRR and equal-correlation population-averaged model. I am not specifying either of the two here. Is the interpretation here: IRR = e^0.002?


          • #6
            Many, although not all, exponentiate the poisson model coefficients to get IRRs (the expected additional counts/number of yvar for a 1-unit increase in the predictor). Use the option irr in your xtpoission call to get them in the regression output. If you do that, then you could interpret the interaction as the amount by which intensity modifies the IRR of atet_TI. The very small coefficient suggest that it has almost no effect on the IRR of atet_T1. IMO, with generalized linear models, unless your audience is steeped in them very deeply (or you have null results), it is almost always advised to show marginsplots in addition to the regression table output.


            • #7
              Dear Lars Pete and Erik Ruzek,

              Following up on #3 and #5, I would strongly advise against using margins after xtpoisson with FE as its results are meaningless; see here.

              Best wishes,



              • #8
                Thanks for the suggestions Erik Ruzek .
                Thanks for the comments Joao Santos Silva. I just read these slides santos_uksug16.pdf ( They're precise, crisp and very helpful along with this thread xtpoisson with fixed effects - Statalist.
                Last edited by Lars Pete; 10 Jan 2024, 13:30. Reason: added link

