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  • Execute (ctrl-D) not working

    I recently upgraded to Stata18 and the execute shortcut (Ctrl-D) in the do editor is not working. It is still possible to run the do file by highlighting it and clicking the execute button, or typing it directly into the command window. It is also possible to perform other shortcuts in the do editor like ctrl-c (copy) or ctrl-p. I also updated Stata and reinstalling it, but it has not worked.

    I looked on Statalist but cannot find an answer. Neither on Google too.

    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this problem? Thank you!

  • #2
    I'm facing the same issue. Hasn't been solved with restarting the machine, updating Stata (update all). It was working before just fine. I'm using a Windows 11, Stata/MP 18 set up.
    CTRL+ALT+D works just fine. Not clear why CTRL+D doesn't.
    Last edited by CARLOS G OSPINO H; 03 Jan 2024, 14:48.


    • #3
      Given the amount of time that has passed with no solution identified, I think you should contact StataCorp Tech Support about this.


      • #4

        Originally posted by James Hassell (StataCorp) View Post
        We want to let everyone know that Stata has not changed any behavior related to Ctrl+D in the Do File Editor. We have received a few similar reports through tech support, but we have not been able to reproduce the issue here. We believe that something on the affected systems in intercepting the Ctrl+D keystroke before it gets to Stata.

        We found this thread on Reddit which might be relevant: This thread seems to indicate that WebEx is somehow causing the issue. We don't have any first hand knowledge of that software however.


        • #5
          I had the same issue. When I close WebEx (not just the window, but the program running in the background) ctrl+d works!

