Hello everyone,
I have one basic doubt regarding panel data regression. In my analysis when I am testing for autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity using xtserial and xttest3 command respectively, after fixed effect (fe) it shows that both issues are there in my data. In this case it is prescribed to run fe with cluster/robust standard error. My doubt is what next, do we still need to apply hausman test to decide between fixed and random effect or just stick with fe only. If yes than how, because stata result shows that hausman test cannot be used with vce(robust/cluster).
I have one basic doubt regarding panel data regression. In my analysis when I am testing for autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity using xtserial and xttest3 command respectively, after fixed effect (fe) it shows that both issues are there in my data. In this case it is prescribed to run fe with cluster/robust standard error. My doubt is what next, do we still need to apply hausman test to decide between fixed and random effect or just stick with fe only. If yes than how, because stata result shows that hausman test cannot be used with vce(robust/cluster).