Say I have three variables.
One is grades and one is days in school, the last is id. A below:
I want to show how moving up 10 percentage point in the days distribution correlates with grades. How should I approach this?
Thanks in advance
Say I have three variables.
One is grades and one is days in school, the last is id. A below:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(days id grades) 17 1 4 17 2 2 17 3 4 19 4 1 19 5 5 20 6 3 34 7 3 37 8 3 37 9 4 37 10 2 160 11 5 160 12 4 160 13 4 160 14 3 160 15 2 160 16 4 160 17 2 200 18 4 200 19 4 200 20 1 end
I want to show how moving up 10 percentage point in the days distribution correlates with grades. How should I approach this?
Thanks in advance