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  • #16
    but the feedback I received was quite adament that I was using the wrong model and insisted I used a mlm approach given the hierarchical nature of my data.
    Just to be clear, I suspect that the person who was so adamant does not fully understand these Stata commands. -xtreg, re- and -mixed- estimate the same model when you have only a two-level hierarchy, no random slopes, and independent covariance structure. -mixed- is more flexible in that you can have more levels, include random slopes, and a range of possible covariance structures. But for the simple case we are discussing here: two levels, no random slopes, independent covariance, they are exactly the same model. The method of estimating the parameters of the model differs, but when both of them succeeds, the results will be essentially identical.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
      Just to be clear, I suspect that the person who was so adamant does not fully understand these Stata commands. -xtreg, re- and -mixed- estimate the same model when you have only a two-level hierarchy, no random slopes, and independent covariance structure. -mixed- is more flexible in that you can have more levels, include random slopes, and a range of possible covariance structures. But for the simple case we are discussing here: two levels, no random slopes, independent covariance, they are exactly the same model. The method of estimating the parameters of the model differs, but when both of them succeeds, the results will be essentially identical.
      That is interesting, I must say I was not aware of that myself either, so thanks for the clarification. Given that knowledge I am leaning toward choosing to run my random effects model as I know that works and if I understand correctly will yield the same results.

      With regard to the slopes and independent covariance I must say I am not entirely sure if I need random slopes or whether I can assume independent covariances. In my original model I applied a fixed effects xtregar regression as my models were dealing with autocorrelation. Now I am thinking about the data I have, I am actually more confident in saying a random effects model would be better suited. What would your opinion be on letting go of mlm given all this?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Daniel Schaefer View Post
        Thanks, Jesse, for the detailed response. I don't see an obvious smoking gun here. Notice as well that the constant term (12.21423 in the xt model, 13.07754 in the mixed model) appears to be within the domain of the ln_Revenue variable - another possible explanation eliminated.

        I do notice that each time you try to estimate the mixed model, the log likelihood does not change and you get the "backed up" message. This suggests that the likelihood function is relatively flat in the region near the starting point, and it can't find a "step" that leads to a better log likelihood. It looks like -mixed- will not let you specify your own starting condition, but you can modify the required change in the coefficient before the model converges with the tolerance() option. You might try tolerances ranging from tolerance(1e-5) to tolerance(1e-8) to see if you can break out of that region of the likelihood function. See the -maximize- pdf entry under "remarks and examples" for more advice from the documentation.
        I looked into this and found that it still will not converge, results below;

        do "C:\Users\jesse\AppData\Local\Temp\STD2efc_000000.tmp"
        . //adjusted tolerance
        . mixed ln_Revenue c.CharismaticValuebased##i.crisis i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets || Country:, iterate(10) tolerance(1e-5)
        Performing EM optimization ...
        Performing gradient-based optimization: 
        Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  
        Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 4:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 5:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 6:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 7:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 8:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 9:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 10: Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        convergence not achieved
        Computing standard errors ...
        Mixed-effects ML regression                       Number of obs    =   354,283
        Group variable: Country                           Number of groups =        25
                                                          Obs per group:
                                                                       min =       852
                                                                       avg =  14,171.3
                                                                       max =    65,676
                                                          Wald chi2(9)     = 216935.24
        Log likelihood = -687343.55                       Prob > chi2      =    0.0000
                            ln_Revenue | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                 CharismaticValuebased |     .64255   .3643443     1.76   0.078    -.0715518    1.356652
                              1.crisis |  -.2174034   .1057229    -2.06   0.040    -.4246164   -.0101905
        crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                    1  |    -.03602   .0183068    -1.97   0.049    -.0719005   -.0001394
                                   HHI |   .0001683   .0000567     2.97   0.003      .000057    .0002795
                             Political |  -.1756487   .0253797    -6.92   0.000    -.2253919   -.1259055
                                  GDPG |   .0232012   .0007719    30.06   0.000     .0216882    .0247142
                             Inflation |   .0279139   .0014549    19.19   0.000     .0250623    .0307654
                                ln_GDP |   .4946042   .0404051    12.24   0.000     .4154117    .5737967
                             ln_Assets |   .6557599   .0014367   456.43   0.000      .652944    .6585758
                                 _cons |  -13.07199   2.437147    -5.36   0.000    -17.84871   -8.295271
          Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   Std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
        Country: Identity            |
                          var(_cons) |    .355698   .1054047      .1989955    .6357988
                       var(Residual) |   2.834431   .0067348      2.821262    2.847662
        LR test vs. linear model: chibar2(01) = 12861.66      Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000
        Warning: Convergence not achieved.
        . mixed ln_Revenue c.CharismaticValuebased##i.crisis i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets || Country:, iterate(10) tolerance(1e-6)
        Performing EM optimization ...
        Performing gradient-based optimization: 
        Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  
        Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 4:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 5:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 6:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 7:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 8:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 9:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 10: Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        convergence not achieved
        Computing standard errors ...
        Mixed-effects ML regression                       Number of obs    =   354,283
        Group variable: Country                           Number of groups =        25
                                                          Obs per group:
                                                                       min =       852
                                                                       avg =  14,171.3
                                                                       max =    65,676
                                                          Wald chi2(9)     = 216935.24
        Log likelihood = -687343.55                       Prob > chi2      =    0.0000
                            ln_Revenue | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                 CharismaticValuebased |     .64255   .3643443     1.76   0.078    -.0715518    1.356652
                              1.crisis |  -.2174034   .1057229    -2.06   0.040    -.4246164   -.0101905
        crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                    1  |    -.03602   .0183068    -1.97   0.049    -.0719005   -.0001394
                                   HHI |   .0001683   .0000567     2.97   0.003      .000057    .0002795
                             Political |  -.1756487   .0253797    -6.92   0.000    -.2253919   -.1259055
                                  GDPG |   .0232012   .0007719    30.06   0.000     .0216882    .0247142
                             Inflation |   .0279139   .0014549    19.19   0.000     .0250623    .0307654
                                ln_GDP |   .4946042   .0404051    12.24   0.000     .4154117    .5737967
                             ln_Assets |   .6557599   .0014367   456.43   0.000      .652944    .6585758
                                 _cons |  -13.07199   2.437147    -5.36   0.000    -17.84871   -8.295271
          Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   Std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
        Country: Identity            |
                          var(_cons) |    .355698   .1054047      .1989955    .6357988
                       var(Residual) |   2.834431   .0067348      2.821262    2.847662
        LR test vs. linear model: chibar2(01) = 12861.66      Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000
        Warning: Convergence not achieved.
        . mixed ln_Revenue c.CharismaticValuebased##i.crisis i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets || Country:, iterate(10) tolerance(1e-7)
        Performing EM optimization ...
        Performing gradient-based optimization: 
        Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  
        Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 4:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 5:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 6:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 7:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 8:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 9:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 10: Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        convergence not achieved
        Computing standard errors ...
        Mixed-effects ML regression                       Number of obs    =   354,283
        Group variable: Country                           Number of groups =        25
                                                          Obs per group:
                                                                       min =       852
                                                                       avg =  14,171.3
                                                                       max =    65,676
                                                          Wald chi2(9)     = 216935.24
        Log likelihood = -687343.55                       Prob > chi2      =    0.0000
                            ln_Revenue | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                 CharismaticValuebased |     .64255   .3643443     1.76   0.078    -.0715518    1.356652
                              1.crisis |  -.2174034   .1057229    -2.06   0.040    -.4246164   -.0101905
        crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                    1  |    -.03602   .0183068    -1.97   0.049    -.0719005   -.0001394
                                   HHI |   .0001683   .0000567     2.97   0.003      .000057    .0002795
                             Political |  -.1756487   .0253797    -6.92   0.000    -.2253919   -.1259055
                                  GDPG |   .0232012   .0007719    30.06   0.000     .0216882    .0247142
                             Inflation |   .0279139   .0014549    19.19   0.000     .0250623    .0307654
                                ln_GDP |   .4946042   .0404051    12.24   0.000     .4154117    .5737967
                             ln_Assets |   .6557599   .0014367   456.43   0.000      .652944    .6585758
                                 _cons |  -13.07199   2.437147    -5.36   0.000    -17.84871   -8.295271
          Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   Std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
        Country: Identity            |
                          var(_cons) |    .355698   .1054047      .1989955    .6357988
                       var(Residual) |   2.834431   .0067348      2.821262    2.847662
        LR test vs. linear model: chibar2(01) = 12861.66      Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000
        Warning: Convergence not achieved.
        . mixed ln_Revenue c.CharismaticValuebased##i.crisis i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets || Country:, iterate(10) tolerance(1e-8)
        Performing EM optimization ...
        Performing gradient-based optimization: 
        Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  
        Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 4:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 5:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 6:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 7:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 8:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 9:  Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        Iteration 10: Log likelihood = -687343.55  (backed up)
        convergence not achieved
        Computing standard errors ...
        Mixed-effects ML regression                       Number of obs    =   354,283
        Group variable: Country                           Number of groups =        25
                                                          Obs per group:
                                                                       min =       852
                                                                       avg =  14,171.3
                                                                       max =    65,676
                                                          Wald chi2(9)     = 216935.24
        Log likelihood = -687343.55                       Prob > chi2      =    0.0000
                            ln_Revenue | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                 CharismaticValuebased |     .64255   .3643443     1.76   0.078    -.0715518    1.356652
                              1.crisis |  -.2174034   .1057229    -2.06   0.040    -.4246164   -.0101905
        crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                    1  |    -.03602   .0183068    -1.97   0.049    -.0719005   -.0001394
                                   HHI |   .0001683   .0000567     2.97   0.003      .000057    .0002795
                             Political |  -.1756487   .0253797    -6.92   0.000    -.2253919   -.1259055
                                  GDPG |   .0232012   .0007719    30.06   0.000     .0216882    .0247142
                             Inflation |   .0279139   .0014549    19.19   0.000     .0250623    .0307654
                                ln_GDP |   .4946042   .0404051    12.24   0.000     .4154117    .5737967
                             ln_Assets |   .6557599   .0014367   456.43   0.000      .652944    .6585758
                                 _cons |  -13.07199   2.437147    -5.36   0.000    -17.84871   -8.295271
          Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   Std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
        Country: Identity            |
                          var(_cons) |    .355698   .1054047      .1989955    .6357988
                       var(Residual) |   2.834431   .0067348      2.821262    2.847662
        LR test vs. linear model: chibar2(01) = 12861.66      Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000
        Warning: Convergence not achieved.
        end of do-file
        I have a question that might clear up some of your concerns regarding my panel data. Previously I set my panel data using:

        //setting panel data
        egen panel_id = group(Company Country)
        xtset panel_id year
        I believe that is why it results in the high number of groups. Given my research on the effect of country-level leadership on firm-level Revenue and Current ratio, I had declared it with groups of individual firms per country. Now I am wondering whether this is in error, I tried respecifying my model using the advice of Clyde but incorporating my 'year' variable as I am interested in the changes over the years given my pre-crisis and crisis periods and want to compare them. I modified it like this;

         egen panel_id = group(Country)  xtset panel_id year
        but that results in new errors;

        . //setting panel data
        . egen panel_id = group(Country)
        . xtset panel_id year
        repeated time values within panel
        end of do-file
        . duplicates report
        Duplicates in terms of all variables
           Copies | Observations       Surplus
                1 |       433931             0
        I understand that this stems from the fact that I have multiple companies within the same year in the same country. I assume aggregation will solve this issue, but I am unsure whether this is a proper way to proceed given all my previous troubles.


        • #19
          I can't really advise you on these questions. They are more substantive than statistical. Random slopes are a form of interaction: cross-level interactions. As with simpler models, the appropriateness of including interaction terms depends on whether the effects in the model are contingent on each other in the real world data generating process. Similarly, the need for estimating autocorrelation among error terms depends on whether the real world data generating process includes those. Often you can get guidance on these questions from previous studies of a similar design involving the same or similar variables and make this decision in advance of starting data analysis. If not, then the safest method is often to try things both ways and see which produces a better model (meaning one that fits the data better without overfitting the noise, not meaning one whose coefficients are more in line with your preferences). Sometimes you can make these decisions based just on study design and statistical considerations: a small data set cannot accommodate a large number of model degrees of freedom in the analysis. But the conclusion to draw from that might just be that the data set is inadequate for answering the study questions, not that a model omitting some important aspect of the data is OK.

          I think these are questions you need to take up with people who have expertise in the field you are working in.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
            I can't really advise you on these questions. They are more substantive than statistical. Random slopes are a form of interaction: cross-level interactions. As with simpler models, the appropriateness of including interaction terms depends on whether the effects in the model are contingent on each other in the real world data generating process. Similarly, the need for estimating autocorrelation among error terms depends on whether the real world data generating process includes those. Often you can get guidance on these questions from previous studies of a similar design involving the same or similar variables and make this decision in advance of starting data analysis. If not, then the safest method is often to try things both ways and see which produces a better model (meaning one that fits the data better without overfitting the noise, not meaning one whose coefficients are more in line with your preferences). Sometimes you can make these decisions based just on study design and statistical considerations: a small data set cannot accommodate a large number of model degrees of freedom in the analysis. But the conclusion to draw from that might just be that the data set is inadequate for answering the study questions, not that a model omitting some important aspect of the data is OK.

            I think these are questions you need to take up with people who have expertise in the field you are working in.
            Thanks for your response Clyde, very much appreciated again. I decided to bring my DVs to the country-level as well to make it a country-level comparison between leadership styles and financial performance of the hotel industry in the respective county, no longer requiring a mlm approach in general and proceeding with xtregar re. Running my initial models shows promising results with high r-squared values so I will continue on this road.

            Best wishes for 2024!


            • #21
              I feel pretty stuck right now. My hausman test determined RE model is the way to go but it was indefinitive, I believe because it drops my time-consistent variable,

              . do "C:\Users\jesse\AppData\Local\Temp\STD4d48_000000.tmp"
              . xtreg ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismatic
              > Controls, re
              Random-effects GLS regression                   Number of obs     =        199
              Group variable: Countryid                       Number of groups  =         25
              R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                   Within  = 0.9149                                         min =          7
                   Between = 0.9189                                         avg =        8.0
                   Overall = 0.9174                                         max =          8
                                                              Wald chi2(10)     =    2032.94
              corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed)                      Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
                                  ln_Revenue | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                       CharismaticValuebased |      1.339   .3757337     3.56   0.000     .6025754    2.075424
              crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                          1  |   .0003871      .0757     0.01   0.996    -.1479821    .1487564
                                    1.crisis |  -.4071218   .4375816    -0.93   0.352    -1.264766    .4505223
                                         HHI |   9.87e-06   .0000544     0.18   0.856    -.0000967    .0001165
                                        GDPG |   .0161741   .0035483     4.56   0.000     .0092195    .0231286
                                   Inflation |   .0364583    .005248     6.95   0.000     .0261724    .0467441
                                   Political |  -.0324715   .0790676    -0.41   0.681     -.187441    .1224981
                                   ln_Assets |   .7888723    .022642    34.84   0.000     .7444948    .8332498
                                      ln_GDP |   .1984057   .0619121     3.20   0.001     .0770602    .3197511
                         CharismaticControls |  -.5356591   .1466865    -3.65   0.000    -.8231593   -.2481589
                                       _cons |  -10.79411   2.674701    -4.04   0.000    -16.03643    -5.55179
                                     sigma_u |  .39528599
                                     sigma_e |  .15829904
                                         rho |  .86179118   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              . est store random
              . xtreg ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismatic
              > Controls, fe 
              note: CharismaticValuebased omitted because of collinearity.
              note: CharismaticControls omitted because of collinearity.
              Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        199
              Group variable: Countryid                       Number of groups  =         25
              R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                   Within  = 0.9155                                         min =          7
                   Between = 0.8417                                         avg =        8.0
                   Overall = 0.8482                                         max =          8
                                                              F(8, 166)         =     224.82
              corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.1485                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                  ln_Revenue | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                       CharismaticValuebased |          0  (omitted)
              crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                          1  |   .0043297   .0752718     0.06   0.954    -.1442837    .1529431
                                    1.crisis |  -.4305708   .4357462    -0.99   0.325     -1.29089    .4297481
                                         HHI |   .0000112   .0000565     0.20   0.843    -.0001004    .0001227
                                        GDPG |   .0158474   .0035799     4.43   0.000     .0087794    .0229154
                                   Inflation |   .0341004   .0057555     5.92   0.000     .0227371    .0454638
                                   Political |  -.1346436   .1003644    -1.34   0.182    -.3327988    .0635116
                                   ln_Assets |   .7837399   .0240839    32.54   0.000     .7361897    .8312902
                                      ln_GDP |   .2894671   .1671845     1.73   0.085    -.0406149    .6195491
                         CharismaticControls |          0  (omitted)
                                       _cons |  -5.500988   4.447973    -1.24   0.218    -14.28288    3.280902
                                     sigma_u |  .55697641
                                     sigma_e |  .15829904
                                         rho |  .92526101   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              F test that all u_i=0: F(24, 166) = 56.30                    Prob > F = 0.0000
              . est store fixed
              . hausman fixed random
              Note: the rank of the differenced variance matrix (7) does not equal the number of coefficients being tested (8); be sure this is what you
                      expect, or there may be problems computing the test.  Examine the output of your estimators for anything unexpected and possibly
                      consider scaling your variables so that the coefficients are on a similar scale.
                               ---- Coefficients ----
                           |      (b)          (B)            (b-B)     sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))
                           |     fixed        random       Difference       Std. err.
                        c. |
              Charismati~d |
                        1  |    .0043297     .0003871        .0039426               .
                  1.crisis |   -.4305708    -.4071218        -.023449               .
                       HHI |    .0000112     9.87e-06        1.33e-06        .0000153
                      GDPG |    .0158474     .0161741       -.0003266        .0004746
                 Inflation |    .0341004     .0364583       -.0023578        .0023631
                 Political |   -.1346436    -.0324715       -.1021722        .0618169
                 ln_Assets |    .7837399     .7888723       -.0051324        .0082082
                    ln_GDP |    .2894671     .1984057        .0910615        .1552982
                                        b = Consistent under H0 and Ha; obtained from xtreg.
                         B = Inconsistent under Ha, efficient under H0; obtained from xtreg.
              Test of H0: Difference in coefficients not systematic
                  chi2(7) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)
                          =   4.11
              Prob > chi2 = 0.7670
              (V_b-V_B is not positive definite)
              end of do-file

              The random effect model was supported by Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian multiplier test for random effects and heteroskedasticity providing strong evidence supporting the use of a random effects model with consideration for autocorrelation (xtregar re). The Wooldridge test result (Prob > F = 0.0110) indicates the presence of first-order autocorrelation in my panel data, which is effectively addressed by the xtregar model, but this model does not address heteroskedasticity The Breusch and Pagan test (chibar2(01) = 391.78, Prob > chibar2 = 0.0000) confirms the existence of significant random effects but also of heteroskedasticity which would lean me to apply xtreg, re vce(robust). I am aware that applying a fixed effects model could help mitigate against these issues but provided my theoretical framework, and the tests above, in combination with the model dropping my independent variable and one of my control variables wants me to stay clear of that option.

              For what it is worth the fit of my models is as follows;
              Xtreg, re vce(robust):
              . xtreg ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismatic
              > Controls, re vce(robust)
              Random-effects GLS regression                   Number of obs     =        199
              Group variable: Countryid                       Number of groups  =         25
              R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                   Within  = 0.9149                                         min =          7
                   Between = 0.9189                                         avg =        8.0
                   Overall = 0.9174                                         max =          8
                                                              Wald chi2(10)     =    4687.18
              corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed)                      Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
                                                             (Std. err. adjusted for 25 clusters in Countryid)
                                             |               Robust
                                  ln_Revenue | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                       CharismaticValuebased |      1.339   .4171228     3.21   0.001     .5214543    2.156545
              crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                          1  |   .0003871   .1211898     0.00   0.997    -.2371405    .2379148
                                    1.crisis |  -.4071218   .6953072    -0.59   0.558    -1.769899    .9556554
                                         HHI |   9.87e-06   .0000285     0.35   0.730    -.0000461    .0000658
                                        GDPG |   .0161741   .0049739     3.25   0.001     .0064254    .0259227
                                   Inflation |   .0364583   .0083884     4.35   0.000     .0200173    .0528992
                                   Political |  -.0324715   .0696303    -0.47   0.641    -.1689443    .1040013
                                   ln_Assets |   .7888723   .0234967    33.57   0.000     .7428196    .8349249
                                      ln_GDP |   .1984057   .0604838     3.28   0.001     .0798596    .3169517
                         CharismaticControls |  -.5356591    .156792    -3.42   0.001    -.8429658   -.2283524
                                       _cons |  -10.79411   2.719071    -3.97   0.000    -16.12339   -5.464827
                                     sigma_u |  .39528599
                                     sigma_e |  .15829904
                                         rho |  .86179118   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              Xtregar, re:
              . xtregar ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismat
              > icControls, re
              RE GLS regression with AR(1) disturbances       Number of obs     =        199
              Group variable: Countryid                       Number of groups  =         25
              R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                   Within  = 0.9130                                         min =          7
                   Between = 0.9236                                         avg =        8.0
                   Overall = 0.9214                                         max =          8
                                                              Wald chi2(11)     =    1792.89
              corr(u_i, Xb) = 0 (assumed)                     Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
              ------------------- theta --------------------
                min      5%       median        95%      max
              0.7430   0.7571     0.7571     0.7571   0.7571
                                  ln_Revenue | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                       CharismaticValuebased |   1.263651   .3043116     4.15   0.000     .6672115    1.860091
              crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                          1  |    .001307   .0899475     0.01   0.988    -.1749867    .1776008
                                    1.crisis |  -.4140793   .5201949    -0.80   0.426    -1.433643    .6054839
                                         HHI |   .0000399   .0000539     0.74   0.458    -.0000656    .0001455
                                        GDPG |   .0129674   .0032996     3.93   0.000     .0065003    .0194346
                                   Inflation |   .0392117   .0052563     7.46   0.000     .0289096    .0495138
                                   Political |   .0389566    .075225     0.52   0.605    -.1084817    .1863948
                                   ln_Assets |   .7867611   .0254949    30.86   0.000     .7367921    .8367302
                                      ln_GDP |    .201084    .052698     3.82   0.000     .0977979    .3043702
                         CharismaticControls |  -.4985161   .1195439    -4.17   0.000    -.7328179   -.2642143
                                       _cons |  -10.43879   2.176443    -4.80   0.000    -14.70454   -6.173043
                                      rho_ar |  .29331591   (estimated autocorrelation coefficient)
                                     sigma_u |  .32852848
                                     sigma_e |  .17272958
                                     rho_fov |  .78343419   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              end of do-file

              Xtreg, fe vce(robust):
              . xtreg ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismatic
              > Controls, fe vce(robust)
              note: CharismaticValuebased omitted because of collinearity.
              note: CharismaticControls omitted because of collinearity.
              Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        199
              Group variable: Countryid                       Number of groups  =         25
              R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                   Within  = 0.9155                                         min =          7
                   Between = 0.8417                                         avg =        8.0
                   Overall = 0.8482                                         max =          8
                                                              F(8, 24)          =     380.51
              corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.1485                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                             (Std. err. adjusted for 25 clusters in Countryid)
                                             |               Robust
                                  ln_Revenue | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                       CharismaticValuebased |          0  (omitted)
              crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                          1  |   .0043297   .1211158     0.04   0.972    -.2456411    .2543005
                                    1.crisis |  -.4305708   .6968927    -0.62   0.542    -1.868887    1.007745
                                         HHI |   .0000112   .0000314     0.36   0.725    -.0000537    .0000761
                                        GDPG |   .0158474   .0049517     3.20   0.004     .0056276    .0260673
                                   Inflation |   .0341004   .0099366     3.43   0.002     .0135924    .0546085
                                   Political |  -.1346436   .0950652    -1.42   0.170    -.3308486    .0615614
                                   ln_Assets |   .7837399   .0209232    37.46   0.000     .7405565    .8269233
                                      ln_GDP |   .2894671   .2180609     1.33   0.197    -.1605885    .7395227
                         CharismaticControls |          0  (omitted)
                                       _cons |  -5.500988   5.835328    -0.94   0.355    -17.54451    6.542538
                                     sigma_u |  .55697641
                                     sigma_e |  .15829904
                                         rho |  .92526101   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              To answer my hypothesis, I only need to study the interaction term, but I am really trying my best to bring proper results to the table. I just cannot figure out a way to deal with all my problems. Is there anyone that could provide me with some advice, or relevant sources I can look into on how to proceed? It feels like I am stuck at a crossroads on how to proceed, but I have to choose between three options, and none of them seem to solve all the issues.


              • #22
                What about switching over to mixed, which allows for an autoregressive residual correlation structure and for different standard error types?
                mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                    Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismat icControls || Countryid: , ///
                    residuals(ar 1, t(time_variable)) vce(robust)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Erik Ruzek View Post
                  What about switching over to mixed, which allows for an autoregressive residual correlation structure and for different standard error types?
                  mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                  Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismat icControls || Countryid: , ///
                  residuals(ar 1, t(time_variable)) vce(robust)
                  Thank you so much Erik, you just made my day. I have been struggling running tests and trying alternative approaches for hours today and I just could not get it to work and solve my issues, and based on a fraction of the information I have available you just managed to get it to work. Again, thank you so much!

                  . mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                  >     Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP CharismaticControls || Countryid: , ///
                  >     residuals(ar 1, t(year)) vce(robust)
                  Obtaining starting values by EM ...
                  Performing gradient-based optimization: 
                  Iteration 0:  Log pseudolikelihood =  39.646494  
                  Iteration 1:  Log pseudolikelihood =  39.646494  (not concave)
                  Iteration 2:  Log pseudolikelihood =  47.679019  
                  Iteration 3:  Log pseudolikelihood =  48.591585  
                  Iteration 4:  Log pseudolikelihood =  48.619727  
                  Iteration 5:  Log pseudolikelihood =   48.61981  
                  Iteration 6:  Log pseudolikelihood =   48.61981  
                  Computing standard errors ...
                  Mixed-effects regression                            Number of obs    =     199
                  Group variable: Countryid                           Number of groups =      25
                                                                      Obs per group:
                                                                                   min =       7
                                                                                   avg =     8.0
                                                                                   max =       8
                                                                      Wald chi2(10)    = 5440.32
                  Log pseudolikelihood =   48.61981                   Prob > chi2      =  0.0000
                                                                 (Std. err. adjusted for 25 clusters in Countryid)
                                                 |               Robust
                                      ln_Revenue | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                           CharismaticValuebased |    1.26116   .3860361     3.27   0.001      .504543    2.017777
                  crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                              1  |   .0049884    .129382     0.04   0.969    -.2485956    .2585724
                                        1.crisis |  -.4319053   .7433895    -0.58   0.561    -1.888922    1.025111
                                             HHI |    .000043   .0000272     1.58   0.114    -.0000103    .0000964
                                            GDPG |   .0120583    .004544     2.65   0.008     .0031523    .0209643
                                       Inflation |    .039591   .0071666     5.52   0.000     .0255447    .0536374
                                       Political |   .0349166   .0625835     0.56   0.577    -.0877448    .1575779
                                       ln_Assets |   .7891284   .0209617    37.65   0.000     .7480443    .8302124
                                          ln_GDP |    .202211   .0543793     3.72   0.000     .0956295    .3087925
                             CharismaticControls |  -.4968404   .1406497    -3.53   0.000    -.7725088    -.221172
                                           _cons |  -10.48755   2.565812    -4.09   0.000    -15.51645   -5.458649
                                               |               Robust           
                    Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
                  Countryid: Identity          |
                                    var(_cons) |    .129686     .03628      .0749492     .224398
                  Residual: AR(1)              |
                                           rho |   .4436219   .1180501      .1864588    .6438935
                                        var(e) |   .0305616   .0070029      .0195043    .0478875

                  I will proceed running with mixed models for the remainder of my regressions!


                  • #24
                    Hmm, so I guess the mixed model would not converge earlier in the thread because it was underspecified without the residual structure. Neat.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Daniel Schaefer View Post
                      Hmm, so I guess the mixed model would not converge earlier in the thread because it was underspecified without the residual structure. Neat.
                      I aggregated my hotel-level data to the country level to bring all variables to the country level and draw industry-wide conclusions rather than on the individual hotel level. Not sure if that could have affected the convergence now, or if it is the residual specifications. That is beyond my current capabilities sadly.


                      • #26
                        Yeah, I remember mixed was used earlier and there were a lot more observations. What happened to all those? Nevermind, addressed in #25!

                        Also, is the c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis interaction cross-level, meaning that one of the variables is at the observation level and the other is at the country level? If so, then you should specify it as having a random (varying) slope. See Hesig & Schafer (2019).
                        mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                                Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismat icControls || Countryid: crisis , cov(un) ///
                                residuals(ar 1, t(time_variable)) vce(robust)
                        Last edited by Erik Ruzek; 03 Jan 2024, 12:40. Reason: Clarified cross-level interaction


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Erik Ruzek View Post
                          Yeah, I remember mixed was used earlier and there were a lot more observations. What happened to all those? Nevermind, addressed in #25!

                          Also, is i.crisis at the observation or country level? If at the observation level, then you should specify it as having a random (varying) slope. See Hesig & Schafer (2019).
                          mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                          Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismat icControls || Countryid: crisis , cov(un) ///
                          residuals(ar 1, t(time_variable)) vce(robust)
                          Crisis is binary indicating crisis or non crisis for the years included in my dataset;
                          gen crisis = year >= 2020
                          So I assume at the observation level?

                          Edit: I will look into the paper, I am still very confused as to how the slopes work, so that will definitely contribute to my understanding.


                          • #28
                            An observation variable (not a technical term) varies within clusters. A cluster variable is constant within clusters but varies between clusters. So when you interact a variable that varies within clusters with a variable that varies between clusters, it is called a cross-level interaction. The Hesig & Schaffer paper addresses this situation.

                            For variables that vary within clusters, you can specify the model to have non-varying (often called "fixed") or varying (often called "random") slopes. If you opt for a varying/random slope, then you are allowing the association between that variable and the outcome to vary by cluster. This induces an additional variance term for the slope in the random-effects part of the model. The additional syntax of cov(un) allows for the slope and intercept to covary, which is often a good idea and typically provides better model fit than a model that excludes it.

                            You will see that when allowing a variable to have a random or varying slope, you continue to get a slope estimate in the top set of parameter estimates. This is the mean slope for the population around which all the country slopes vary.
                            Last edited by Erik Ruzek; 03 Jan 2024, 13:01. Reason: Further explaining random slopes


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Erik Ruzek View Post
                              An observation variable (not a technical term) varies within clusters. A cluster variable is constant within clusters but varies between clusters. So when you interact a variable that varies within clusters with a variable that varies between clusters, it is called a cross-level interaction. The Hesig & Schaffer paper addresses this situation.

                              For variables that vary within clusters, you can specify the model to have non-varying (often called "fixed") or varying (often called "random") slopes. If you opt for a varying/random slope, then you are allowing the association between that variable and the outcome to vary by cluster. This induces an additional variance term for the slope in the random-effects part of the model. The additional syntax of cov(un) allows for the slope and intercept to covary, which is often a good idea and typically provides better model fit than a model that excludes it.

                              You will see that when allowing a variable to have a random or varying slope, you continue to get a slope estimate in the top set of parameter estimates. This is the mean slope for the population around which all the country slopes vary.
                              Interesting. I went through the article, and if I understand correctly, the inclusion of random slopes is done to capture unexplained contextual variation in relationships between variables? Or as you explained it, the variables are allowed to vary by country?

                              I am wondering though, the authors propose that you should always include random slopes for the lower-level variables involved in cross-level interactions in mixed-effects models, but the inclusion of the varying slopes makes my AIC & BIC values less negative.

                              I ran the following models, with model 1 being random slopes and model 2 not specifying random slopes ;

                              . mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                              >     Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP CharismaticControls || Countryid: crisis , cov(un) ///
                              >     residuals(ar 1, t(year)) vce(robust)
                              Obtaining starting values by EM ...
                              Performing gradient-based optimization: 
                              Iteration 0:  Log pseudolikelihood =  46.857674  
                              Iteration 1:  Log pseudolikelihood =  49.990457  
                              Iteration 2:  Log pseudolikelihood =  50.852714  
                              Iteration 3:  Log pseudolikelihood =  50.896779  
                              Iteration 4:  Log pseudolikelihood =  50.897016  
                              Iteration 5:  Log pseudolikelihood =  50.897016  
                              Computing standard errors ...
                              Mixed-effects regression                            Number of obs    =     199
                              Group variable: Countryid                           Number of groups =      25
                                                                                  Obs per group:
                                                                                               min =       7
                                                                                               avg =     8.0
                                                                                               max =       8
                                                                                  Wald chi2(10)    = 4662.01
                              Log pseudolikelihood =  50.897016                   Prob > chi2      =  0.0000
                                                                             (Std. err. adjusted for 25 clusters in Countryid)
                                                             |               Robust
                                                  ln_Revenue | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                                       CharismaticValuebased |   1.183889   .3800979     3.11   0.002     .4389104    1.928867
                              crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                                          1  |   .0066603   .1294148     0.05   0.959     -.246988    .2603086
                                                    1.crisis |  -.4462518   .7429435    -0.60   0.548    -1.902394    1.009891
                                                         HHI |   .0000466   .0000266     1.75   0.080    -5.60e-06    .0000987
                                                        GDPG |   .0114903   .0046471     2.47   0.013     .0023821    .0205985
                                                   Inflation |   .0398219   .0073862     5.39   0.000     .0253452    .0542985
                                                   Political |   .0491699   .0664332     0.74   0.459    -.0810368    .1793766
                                                   ln_Assets |   .7857556   .0175209    44.85   0.000     .7514152    .8200959
                                                      ln_GDP |   .2019008   .0527926     3.82   0.000     .0984292    .3053723
                                         CharismaticControls |  -.4559882   .1360658    -3.35   0.001    -.7226722   -.1893042
                                                       _cons |   -9.99609   2.561318    -3.90   0.000    -15.01618      -4.976
                                                           |               Robust           
                                Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
                              Countryid: Unstructured      |
                                               var(crisis) |   .0132031   .0099943      .0029947    .0582109
                                                var(_cons) |    .120477   .0357572      .0673395    .2155452
                                         cov(crisis,_cons) |   .0103949   .0105639     -.0103099    .0310996
                              Residual: AR(1)              |
                                                       rho |   .4009766   .1534143      .0664203    .6544858
                                                    var(e) |   .0263192   .0078923      .0146226    .0473721
                              . est store CharRev
                              . estat ic
                              Akaike's information criterion and Bayesian information criterion
                                     Model |          N   ll(null)  ll(model)      df        AIC        BIC
                                   CharRev |        199          .   50.89702      16  -69.79403  -17.10116
                              Note: BIC uses N = number of observations. See [R] IC note.
                              . //charismatic revenue 
                              . mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                              >     Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP CharismaticControls || Countryid: , ///
                              >     residuals(ar 1, t(year)) vce(robust)
                              Obtaining starting values by EM ...
                              Performing gradient-based optimization: 
                              Iteration 0:  Log pseudolikelihood =  39.646494  
                              Iteration 1:  Log pseudolikelihood =  39.646494  (not concave)
                              Iteration 2:  Log pseudolikelihood =  47.679019  
                              Iteration 3:  Log pseudolikelihood =  48.591585  
                              Iteration 4:  Log pseudolikelihood =  48.619727  
                              Iteration 5:  Log pseudolikelihood =   48.61981  
                              Iteration 6:  Log pseudolikelihood =   48.61981  
                              Computing standard errors ...
                              Mixed-effects regression                            Number of obs    =     199
                              Group variable: Countryid                           Number of groups =      25
                                                                                  Obs per group:
                                                                                               min =       7
                                                                                               avg =     8.0
                                                                                               max =       8
                                                                                  Wald chi2(10)    = 5440.32
                              Log pseudolikelihood =   48.61981                   Prob > chi2      =  0.0000
                                                                             (Std. err. adjusted for 25 clusters in Countryid)
                                                             |               Robust
                                                  ln_Revenue | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                                       CharismaticValuebased |    1.26116   .3860361     3.27   0.001      .504543    2.017777
                              crisis#c.CharismaticValuebased |
                                                          1  |   .0049884    .129382     0.04   0.969    -.2485956    .2585724
                                                    1.crisis |  -.4319053   .7433895    -0.58   0.561    -1.888922    1.025111
                                                         HHI |    .000043   .0000272     1.58   0.114    -.0000103    .0000964
                                                        GDPG |   .0120583    .004544     2.65   0.008     .0031523    .0209643
                                                   Inflation |    .039591   .0071666     5.52   0.000     .0255447    .0536374
                                                   Political |   .0349166   .0625835     0.56   0.577    -.0877448    .1575779
                                                   ln_Assets |   .7891284   .0209617    37.65   0.000     .7480443    .8302124
                                                      ln_GDP |    .202211   .0543793     3.72   0.000     .0956295    .3087925
                                         CharismaticControls |  -.4968404   .1406497    -3.53   0.000    -.7725088    -.221172
                                                       _cons |  -10.48755   2.565812    -4.09   0.000    -15.51645   -5.458649
                                                           |               Robust           
                                Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
                              Countryid: Identity          |
                                                var(_cons) |    .129686     .03628      .0749492     .224398
                              Residual: AR(1)              |
                                                       rho |   .4436219   .1180501      .1864588    .6438935
                                                    var(e) |   .0305616   .0070029      .0195043    .0478875
                              . est store CharRev
                              . estat ic
                              Akaike's information criterion and Bayesian information criterion
                                     Model |          N   ll(null)  ll(model)      df        AIC        BIC
                                   CharRev |        199          .   48.61981      14  -69.23962  -23.13335
                              Note: BIC uses N = number of observations. See [R] IC note.
                              The model with the random slopes has:
                              • higher log pseudolikelihood (50.897 vs 48.620)
                              • lower wald chi2 value (4662.01 vs 5440.32)
                              • more negative AIC (-69.794 vs -69.240)
                              • less negative BIC (-17.101 vs -23.133).
                              I previously looked at AIC and BIC values to compare model fit, but given the small differences for BIC, the other values presented, and the theory from the paper and the advice in this thread I will proceed with the model that does include the random slopes. Do you agree that to be the justified way forward given the constraints presented above?


                              • #30
                                I agree. With AIC and BIC, lower numbers are better. In addition to comparing IC, you can run a likelihood ratio test (lrtest in Stata) that compares the two log likelihoods given that the models are nested. By nested I mean that one can get from the random slope model to the random intercept model by constraining the random slope variance and random slope-intercept covariance to 0. This gives you two additional degrees of freedom. The likelihood ratio test follows a chi-square distribution except that the null hypothesis is on the boundary of the parameter space since variances from these models are > 0. Accordingly, you divide the p-value reported by lrtest by 2.
                                mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                                                Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismat icControls || Countryid: crisis , cov(un) ///
                                                residuals(ar 1, t(time_variable)) vce(robust)
                                eststo ri
                                mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis i.crisis HHI GDPG ///
                                                Inflation Political ln_Assets ln_GDP Charismat icControls || Countryid: crisis , cov(un) ///
                                                residuals(ar 1, t(time_variable)) vce(robust)
                                eststo rc
                                lrtest rc ri, stats

