Hey everyone,
I am currently in the process of writing my master's thesis, and after some new information from my supervisor, I decided I had to switch my model to multilevel modeling, but after trying it out and playing around with various options these past few days, I still did not manage to get it running. I tried it with fewer predictors, different slopes, and many different options specified, but I just do not understand why it will not converge, hence why I am reaching out here.
My research hypothesis:
H1: Countries with higher country-level Charismatic/Value-Based Leadership scores demonstrate a less severe decrease in hotel industry revenue during the crisis than during the pre-crisis period.
H2: Countries with higher country-level Charismatic/Value-Based Leadership scores demonstrate a less severe decrease in the current ratio of the hotel industry during the crisis than during the pre-crisis period.
IV: Charismatic/value-based leadership / Team-oriented Leadership / participative leadership
DV: ln_Current / ln_Revenue
Controls: i.crisis (specifying crisis / no crisis) HHI (competition) Political_Stability GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets
Interaction effect: c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis (this is my main interest given my hypothesis, similar for other ivs)
Relevant information:
The variables ln_Current and ln_Revenue and ln_Assets are on the individual hotel level, with the other variables being at the country-level.
Current code example:
I stopped it since it was quite a while and did not converge once again. I can get the following to run, but that eliminates me differentiating between countries, which is suboptimal.
Any advice on how I can keep the random effects slope and get it to converge would be highly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time in advance!
I am currently in the process of writing my master's thesis, and after some new information from my supervisor, I decided I had to switch my model to multilevel modeling, but after trying it out and playing around with various options these past few days, I still did not manage to get it running. I tried it with fewer predictors, different slopes, and many different options specified, but I just do not understand why it will not converge, hence why I am reaching out here.
My research hypothesis:
H1: Countries with higher country-level Charismatic/Value-Based Leadership scores demonstrate a less severe decrease in hotel industry revenue during the crisis than during the pre-crisis period.
H2: Countries with higher country-level Charismatic/Value-Based Leadership scores demonstrate a less severe decrease in the current ratio of the hotel industry during the crisis than during the pre-crisis period.
IV: Charismatic/value-based leadership / Team-oriented Leadership / participative leadership
DV: ln_Current / ln_Revenue
Controls: i.crisis (specifying crisis / no crisis) HHI (competition) Political_Stability GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets
Interaction effect: c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis (this is my main interest given my hypothesis, similar for other ivs)
Relevant information:
The variables ln_Current and ln_Revenue and ln_Assets are on the individual hotel level, with the other variables being at the country-level.
Current code example:
mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased i.crisis c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets || Country: , mle cov(ind) vce(cluster Country)
. mixed ln_Revenue CharismaticValuebased i.crisis c.CharismaticValuebased#i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets || Country: > , mle cov(ind) vce(cluster Country) note: single-variable random-effects specification in Country equation; covariance structure set to identity. Performing EM optimization ... Performing gradient-based optimization: Iteration 0: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 Iteration 1: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 2: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 3: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 4: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 5: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 6: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 7: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 8: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 9: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 10: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 11: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 12: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 13: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 14: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 15: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 16: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 17: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 18: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 19: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 20: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 21: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 22: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 23: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 24: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 25: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 26: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 27: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 28: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 29: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 30: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 31: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 32: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 33: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 34: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 35: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 36: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 37: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 38: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 39: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 40: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 41: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 42: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 43: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 44: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 45: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 46: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 47: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 48: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 49: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 50: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 51: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 52: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 53: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 54: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 55: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 56: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 57: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 58: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 59: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 60: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 61: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 62: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 63: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 64: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 65: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 66: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) Iteration 67: Log pseudolikelihood = -687343.55 (backed up) --Break-- r(1);
mixed ln_Revenue c.CharismaticValuebased i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets
mixed ln_Revenue c.CharismaticValuebased i.crisis HHI Political GDPG Inflation ln_GDP ln_Assets Mixed-effects ML regression Number of obs = 354,283 Wald chi2(8) = 308020.07 Log likelihood = -693782.15 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_Revenue | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] ----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- CharismaticValuebased | -.0793954 .0094251 -8.42 0.000 -.0978683 -.0609225 1.crisis | -.5725233 .0066887 -85.60 0.000 -.5856328 -.5594137 HHI | .0006529 .0000228 28.59 0.000 .0006081 .0006977 Political | .4241518 .0053632 79.09 0.000 .4136402 .4346635 GDPG | .0134702 .0007447 18.09 0.000 .0120105 .0149299 Inflation | .0736891 .0010745 68.58 0.000 .0715831 .0757951 ln_GDP | .3808357 .0035189 108.22 0.000 .3739387 .3877327 ln_Assets | .6435774 .0013627 472.28 0.000 .6409066 .6462483 _cons | -6.138186 .1259668 -48.73 0.000 -6.385076 -5.891295 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Random-effects parameters | Estimate Std. err. [95% conf. interval] -----------------------------+------------------------------------------------ var(Residual) | 2.940751 .0069871 2.927089 2.954478 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any advice on how I can keep the random effects slope and get it to converge would be highly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time in advance!