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  • Honestdid interpretation

    I have read the support documentation for honestdid, and I think that I must be missing something.

    First, I run csdid2, and yields
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	1
Size:	32.3 KB
ID:	1736889

    Then, I run:

    HTML Code:
    honestdid, pre(1/5) post(1) mvec(0(0.2)1) delta(rm) coefplot parallel(8)
    HTML Code:
    honestdid, pre(1/5) post(1/6) mvec(0(0.2)1) delta(rm) coefplot parallel(8)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled2.png
Views:	1
Size:	22.4 KB
ID:	1736890

    I have 2 questions:

    1) Why are the CI bounds almost identical if they are supposed to be referring to different post-treatment effects?
    2) Why are the top listed CI positive if all of the post-treatment coefficients are negative?
    --I undderstand deviations from trend, but the original is also positive (which isn't sensible to me).

    What am I missing?

    Here are support pages for csdid & honestdid:

  • #2
    I solved my own problems.
    I'm sharing here in case others find them useful.

    Consider this example from the honestdid documentation:

    HTML Code:
    local mixtape
    use `mixtape'/Advanced-DID/main/Exercises/Data/ehec_data.dta, clear
    qui sum year, meanonly
    replace yexp2 = cond(mi(yexp2), r(max) + 1, yexp2)
    csdid dins, time(year) ivar(stfips) gvar(yexp2) long2 notyet
    csdid_estat event, window(-4 5) estore(csdid)
    estimates restore csdid
    local plotopts xtitle(Mbar) ytitle(95% Robust CI)
    honestdid, pre(3/6) post(7/12) mvec(0.5(0.5)2) coefplot  name(original ,replace)
    If you run it how it is written, then you will get the documentation results perfectly.

    My confusion above is due to misinterpreting the index values. The pre() and post() do not refer to periods relative to the initial treatment time - nor the coefficients to use in testing. Rather, they refer to matrix row of the stored results. I don't use the 'did' package, but in csdid, the first 2 listed rows are for the average pre and average post treatment effects. That's why the documentation code says pre(3/6) - it's beginning at the 3rd row of the csdid estimation results.

    If you want to test the deviation from trend for multiple coefficients, then you need the l_vec() option, which specifies a matrix that is the same length as your post treatment period (example at the bottom). It includes the weights on the post-treatment coefficients.

    I also learned that the above code does not work for csdid2 in exactly the same way. That's because the 1) csdid2 uses estat rather than csdid_estat, 2) csdid2 uses revent() rather than window() options (see other thread), & 3) revent() indexes differently than does window(). revent() indexes to the jth treatment period while window() indexes to the jth coefficient.

    To get the documentation results using csdid2, you'd use the below code with or without revent().

    With revent():
    HTML Code:
    csdid2 dins, time(year) ivar(stfips) gvar(yexp2) long2 notyet
    estat event, revent(-5/5) estore(csdid)
    estimates restore csdid
    local plotopts xtitle(Mbar) ytitle(95% Robust CI)
    honestdid, pre(3/6) post(7/12) mvec(0.5(0.5)2) coefplot  name(csdid2revent,replace)
    Without revent():
    HTML Code:
    csdid2 dins, time(year) ivar(stfips) gvar(yexp2) long2 notyet
    estat event,  estore(csdid)
    estimates restore csdid
    local plotopts xtitle(Mbar) ytitle(95% Robust CI)
    honestdid, pre(9/12) post(13/18) mvec(0.5(0.5)2) coefplot  name(csdid2revent,replace)
    You can use the l_vec() option to specify post-treatment coefficients to test. Again replicating the above:
    HTML Code:
    csdid2 dins, time(year) ivar(stfips) gvar(yexp2) long2 notyet
    estat event,  estore(csdid)
    estimates restore csdid
    matrix l_vec=1\0\0\0\0\0
    local plotopts xtitle(Mbar) ytitle(95% Robust CI)
    honestdid, pre(9/12) post(13/18) mvec(0.5(0.5)2) coefplot name(csdid2lvec,replace) l_vec(l_vec)
    Last edited by Zachary Bartsch; 13 Dec 2023, 08:07.


    • #3
      Thank you zachary
      I ll prepare an example on my page as a good opportunity to document a bit more what can csdid2 do with honestdid
      best wishes

