Dear Forum users,
I am estimating the investor's decision to invest in private equity funds (1 for yes, 0 for no). The reghdfe model includes more than one fixed effect (year, investor ID, manager ID) and double clustering of standard errors. My results look like this:
y=-0.0015x...(other estmation results). How can I interpret the results of my main independent variable? Is it probability or just coefficient?
Kind regards,
I am estimating the investor's decision to invest in private equity funds (1 for yes, 0 for no). The reghdfe model includes more than one fixed effect (year, investor ID, manager ID) and double clustering of standard errors. My results look like this:
y=-0.0015x...(other estmation results). How can I interpret the results of my main independent variable? Is it probability or just coefficient?
Kind regards,