I'm trying to sort factor loadings. Tried to install the package, but when I search for "sortl" the package is not listed. Is there somewhere else I can access the package?
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// Copy your e(L) matrix into a matrix called L in Mata mata: L = st_matrix("e(L)") // Sort the L matrix by its first column. mata: L = sort(L,1) // Copy that matrix to a Stata matrix named Lsort, and display it. mata: st_matrix("Lsort", L) mat list Lsort
ssc install sortl
ssc install rotate2
rotate mata: L = st_matrix("e(r_L)") // etc.
ssc type sorll.ado
ssc desc sortl
. ssc desc sortl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package sortl from http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE 'SORTL': module to sort factor loadings or rotated matrix from PCA or factor DESCRIPTION/AUTHOR(S) To make an interpretation of a factor solution easier, sortl sorts the rotated loadings (pattern matrix) or rotated components stored by rotate into the matrix e(r_L). It also sorts the matrix e(Psi) of the unique or unexplained variances created by factor or by pca into the same order. KW: factor loadings KW: factor KW: pca KW: rotate Requires: Stata version 9 Distribution-Date: 20091120 Author: Dirk Enzmann, University of Hamburg Support: email [email protected] INSTALLATION FILES (type net install sortl) sortl.ado sortl.hlp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (type ssc install sortl to install) .