I have some issues with the csdid command. I am currently trying to use it with my dataset but I only get the message that all coefficients are zero (ommitted) and number of observations = 0 as well.
My dataset is a paneldataset (unbalanced) with a variable for the year, a personal identifier, income (used as outcome variable). My treatment is the year of birth of the child. Additional variables are sex, married and so on
Not every individual is observed every year.
My dataset does not contain any "."
I tried using: csdid gross_income sex, cluster(pid) time(syear) gvar(birthyearchild) method(reg)
birthyear child is defined as:
gen birthyearchild = 0
replace birthyearchild = syear if birth==1
I am quite new to this estimation technique so there might be some mistakes, but I cannot find them.
Any help or ideas on how I can improve the estimation would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I have some issues with the csdid command. I am currently trying to use it with my dataset but I only get the message that all coefficients are zero (ommitted) and number of observations = 0 as well.
My dataset is a paneldataset (unbalanced) with a variable for the year, a personal identifier, income (used as outcome variable). My treatment is the year of birth of the child. Additional variables are sex, married and so on
Not every individual is observed every year.
My dataset does not contain any "."
I tried using: csdid gross_income sex, cluster(pid) time(syear) gvar(birthyearchild) method(reg)
birthyear child is defined as:
gen birthyearchild = 0
replace birthyearchild = syear if birth==1
I am quite new to this estimation technique so there might be some mistakes, but I cannot find them.
Any help or ideas on how I can improve the estimation would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!