Over the years various users have posted to Statalist reporting that multilevel models were too slow to converge, if they converged at all. Other users posted suggestions to achieve faster convergence, but these rarely made much difference. Today I tripped over this paper by McCoach et al (2018), which confirmed that Stata really was much slower than other packages at fitting multilevel models.
Figures 5 and 6 show that Stata was 5 to 10 times slower than HLM or MPlus, and 2 to 3 times slower than SAS or lme4 in R.
Table 4 shows that Stata failed to converge 10 to 100 times more often than HLM or MPlus, but lme4 was even worse.
I should say that the paper was published in 2018 and used Stata 14.1. I am using Stata 16.1 but haven't noticed any improvement. Has anyone tried -mixed- in Stata 18?
Figures 5 and 6 show that Stata was 5 to 10 times slower than HLM or MPlus, and 2 to 3 times slower than SAS or lme4 in R.
Table 4 shows that Stata failed to converge 10 to 100 times more often than HLM or MPlus, but lme4 was even worse.
I should say that the paper was published in 2018 and used Stata 14.1. I am using Stata 16.1 but haven't noticed any improvement. Has anyone tried -mixed- in Stata 18?