Dear all,
I am designing a non-inferiority trial that compares three groups of subjects receiving different intraocular lenses. The primary outcome that I wanted to look at was the binocular vision at intermediate distance postoperatively.
Nearly all the tutorials online talked about using artbin, and proportions as a way to calculate the sample size.
May I know if it is feasible to use means instead?
Instead of using "proportions of eyes exceeding a certain level of vision"
can I calculate the sample size by
stating the previously reported "mean visual acuity" of the two study lenses with their respective SD?
Based on published results of other cohort studies
I gathered the below information
binocular intermediate VA
- lens 1 (control) : 0.24 +/= 0.14
- lens 2 (study lens) : 0.05 +/- 0.1
If I use normal t test
. power twomeans 0.24 0.05, sd1(0.14) sd2(0.1)
Performing iteration ...
Estimated sample sizes for a two-sample means test
Satterthwaite's t test assuming unequal variances
Ho: m2 = m1 versus Ha: m2 != m1
Study parameters:
alpha = 0.0500
power = 0.8000
delta = -0.1900
m1 = 0.2400
m2 = 0.0500
sd1 = 0.1400
sd2 = 0.1000
Estimated sample sizes:
N = 16
N per group = 8
Is this 8 per group - for 'superiority trial' rather than non-inferiority?
In my study design, there are TWO experimental groups - where I implant the study lens in dominant eye in one group, and non-dominant eye in one group.
- should I take into account of this third group during my sample size calculation? My original thought was to use the dominant eye vs control group only.
Thank you so much!
I am designing a non-inferiority trial that compares three groups of subjects receiving different intraocular lenses. The primary outcome that I wanted to look at was the binocular vision at intermediate distance postoperatively.
Nearly all the tutorials online talked about using artbin, and proportions as a way to calculate the sample size.
May I know if it is feasible to use means instead?
Instead of using "proportions of eyes exceeding a certain level of vision"
can I calculate the sample size by
stating the previously reported "mean visual acuity" of the two study lenses with their respective SD?
Based on published results of other cohort studies
I gathered the below information
binocular intermediate VA
- lens 1 (control) : 0.24 +/= 0.14
- lens 2 (study lens) : 0.05 +/- 0.1
If I use normal t test
. power twomeans 0.24 0.05, sd1(0.14) sd2(0.1)
Performing iteration ...
Estimated sample sizes for a two-sample means test
Satterthwaite's t test assuming unequal variances
Ho: m2 = m1 versus Ha: m2 != m1
Study parameters:
alpha = 0.0500
power = 0.8000
delta = -0.1900
m1 = 0.2400
m2 = 0.0500
sd1 = 0.1400
sd2 = 0.1000
Estimated sample sizes:
N = 16
N per group = 8
Is this 8 per group - for 'superiority trial' rather than non-inferiority?
In my study design, there are TWO experimental groups - where I implant the study lens in dominant eye in one group, and non-dominant eye in one group.
- should I take into account of this third group during my sample size calculation? My original thought was to use the dominant eye vs control group only.
Thank you so much!