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  • combomarginsplot not finding file form


    My post is regard to combomarginsplot. I am using STATA within a proxy secure server. Despite confirming the CD location where I have saved two marginsplots i.e., file1 file2.
    When I try to use combomarginsplot file1 file2. I get the following error:
    file file1.dta not Stata format.
    I checked that file1 is in the location. It is saved as .gph

    Apologies if I'm missing something very obvious.

    Thank you,


  • #2
    I don't know anything about -combomarginsplot-; it is not part of official Stata, and before today, I was not even aware of its existence.

    While it is possible that the error message it is giving you is misleading, if we take it at face value the source of the problem suggests itself. I believe that -combomarginsplot- is expecting file1 and file2 to be .dta files, not .gph files. The help file for -combomarginsplot- does not say this explicitly, but it does refer to the files it operates on as "the saved results from multiple calls to margins." And -margins- does not produce .gph files. When it saves any files at all, they are .dta files, and they are created by the undocumented -saving()- option. I'm guessing that you are trying to feed -combomarginsplot- some .gph files that were saved after calling -marginsplot-, not -margins-.
    Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 10 Sep 2023, 17:52.


    • #3
      Thank you Clyde, this was very helpful.

      All the best,



      • #4
        I am just seeing this now -- I am the author of combomarginsplot. As it seems you have figured out, you need to use -margins- to save datasets, and then use combomarginsplot to combine them.

