I'm trying to build a table using the table command in Stata 17.0. I've set up code to display means and SDs for continuous variables (cont), and N's and %'s for categorical (cat) and binary variables (bin). This code I have works well for outputting continuous variables and their p-values across groups but the formatting is a bit off for categorical variables and binary variables.
As pictured below, the categorical variable header is showing up in two rows, and the p-value is on the first row. I'd like to only have the header appear on one row and the p-value along with it.
For binary variables, I'd like to only see the "success" level, so for this example, only b=1. Currently they're set up the same as the categorical variables.
As a final note, I'm trying to set the code up to be flexible, where if I wanted to add/subtract variables all I'd need to do is add/subtract them from local macros. Thanks for the help!
As pictured below, the categorical variable header is showing up in two rows, and the p-value is on the first row. I'd like to only have the header appear on one row and the p-value along with it.
For binary variables, I'd like to only see the "success" level, so for this example, only b=1. Currently they're set up the same as the categorical variables.
As a final note, I'm trying to set the code up to be flexible, where if I wanted to add/subtract variables all I'd need to do is add/subtract them from local macros. Thanks for the help!
clear set more off collect clear /* simulating data */ set seed 82 set obs 1000 g female = runiformint(0,1) label define female 0 "Male" 1 "Female" label values female female g cont = female + runiformint(1,7) + runiform() if runiform() > .05 g cat = 1 replace cat = 2 if cont > 2 replace cat = 3 if cont > 5 g bin = cont > 4 /* putting the variables in macros */ local stratvar "female" local catvars "cat" local binvars "bin" local contvars "cont" table (var) (`stratvar' result), /// name(stats) /// statistic(mean `contvars') /// statistic(sd `contvars') /// statistic(fvfrequency `catvars' `binvars') /// statistic(fvpercent `catvars' `binvars') /* generating p-values */ collect create fits foreach var in `contvars' `catvars' `binvars' { collect p = Ftail(e(df_m), e(df_r), e(F)) /// , tag(var[`var']) /// : anova `var' `stratvar' } /* formatting */ collect layout (var) (result) collect combine full = stats fits collect recode result mean = column1 /// sd = column2 /// fvfrequency = column1 /// fvpercent = column2 /// total = column1 /// percent = column2 collect layout (var) (`stratvar'#result[column1 column2] result[p]) collect style cell var[`catvars' `binvars']#result[column1], nformat(%6.0fc) collect style cell var[`catvars' `binvars']#result[column2], nformat(%6.1f) sformat("%s%%") collect style cell var[`contvars']#result[column1 column2], nformat(%6.1f) collect style cell var[`contvars']#result[column2], sformat("(%s)") collect style cell result[p], nformat(%6.3f) collect label levels result p "p-value", modify collect style header `stratvar', title(hide) collect style header result[column1 column2], level(hide) collect style row stack, nobinder spacer collect style cell border_block, border(right, pattern(nil)) collect preview ------------------------------------------------------- Male Female Total p-value ------------------------------------------------------- cont 4.5 (2.1) 5.5 (2.0) 5.0 (2.1) 0.000 cat 0.000 cat 1 65 13.0% 0 0.0% 65 6.5% 2 208 41.5% 206 41.3% 414 41.4% 3 228 45.5% 293 58.7% 521 52.1% bin 0.000 bin 0 217 43.3% 138 27.7% 355 35.5% 1 284 56.7% 361 72.3% 645 64.5% -------------------------------------------------------