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  • margins after jackknife

    Hello Statalisters, I've been attempting to run margins after a jackknifed Firth logistic regression and have been so far unsuccessful.
    I've replicated the issue here with the dataset auto and some arbitrarily created variables.
    . use,clear
    (1978 automobile data)
    . gen outcome=0
    . replace outcome=1 if price>6000
    (23 real changes made)
    . tab outcome
        outcome |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
              0 |         51       68.92       68.92
              1 |         23       31.08      100.00
          Total |         74      100.00
    . *for the sake of argument, pretend make is our cluster
    . gen makecluster=1 if _n<=15
    (59 missing values generated)
    . replace makecluster=3 if _n>15 & _n<=30
    (15 real changes made)
    . replace makecluster=4 if _n>30 & _n<=45
    (15 real changes made)
    . replace makecluster=5 if _n>45 & _n<=60
    (15 real changes made)
    . replace makecluster=6 if _n>60
    (14 real changes made)
    . tab makecluster,m
    makecluster |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
              1 |         15       20.27       20.27
              3 |         15       20.27       40.54
              4 |         15       20.27       60.81
              5 |         15       20.27       81.08
              6 |         14       18.92      100.00
          Total |         74      100.00
    . logistic outcome i.foreign##c.mpg ,vce(cluster makecluster) coeflegend
    Logistic regression                                     Number of obs =     74
                                                            Wald chi2(2)  =      .
                                                            Prob > chi2   =      .
    Log pseudolikelihood = -33.976694                       Pseudo R2     = 0.2591
                                 (Std. err. adjusted for 5 clusters in makecluster)
          outcome | Coefficient  Legend
          foreign |
         Foreign  |  -.9883114  _b[1.foreign]
              mpg |  -.4038123  _b[mpg]
    foreign#c.mpg |
         Foreign  |   .1612575  _b[1.foreign#c.mpg]
            _cons |   6.383446  _b[_cons]
    Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.
    . jackknife _b[1.foreign] _b[mpg] _b[1.foreign#c.mpg] _b[_cons],eclass cluster(makecluster) mse:firthlogit outcome i.foreign##c.mpg,
    (running firthlogit on estimation sample)
    Jackknife replications (5): ..... done
    Jackknife results                                           Number of obs = 74
                                                                Replications  =  5
          Command: firthlogit outcome i.foreign##c.mpg
            _jk_1: _b[1.foreign]
            _jk_2: _b[mpg]
            _jk_3: _b[1.foreign#c.mpg]
            _jk_4: _b[_cons]
              n(): e(N)
                                 (Replications based on 5 clusters in makecluster)
                 |              Jknife *
                 | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
           _jk_1 |  -1.424797   3.277778    -0.43   0.686    -10.52537    7.675774
           _jk_2 |  -.3647182   .2051076    -1.78   0.150    -.9341882    .2047518
           _jk_3 |   .1703893   .2085935     0.82   0.460     -.408759    .7495376
           _jk_4 |   5.735816   3.217074     1.78   0.149    -3.196212    14.66784
    . margins i.foreign,
    variable _jk_1 not found
    Doesn't have to be firthlogit to produce the error but clearly there is something that I am missing in the jackknife part of the command - is there any other way to get at margins after jackknifing the model?

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    I've tested a different way of writing the command and have come up with the solution if anybody else is interested in this.
     jackknife, dots cluster(makecluster) mse:firthlogit outcome i.foreign##c.mpg,
    then you can follow up with margins without any issues.


    • #3
      Thank you.
      Unfortunately, I found one issue. By adding "eform":

       jackknife, dots cluster(makecluster) mse eform: firthlogit outcome i.foreign##c.mpg,
      the model runs, but then, at the end of the replications, I receive the error message:
      option eform not allowed
      I also tried:

       jackknife, dots cluster(makecluster) mse: firthlogit outcome i.foreign##c.mpg, or
      by then getting the analogous error message

       option or not allowed
      Although the error code is the same "r(198)", in the latter case there's a difference: the model doesn't run: the error message appears immediately.


      • #4
        Nevertheless, by following the advise here: , that is, by adding
        to "margins", I was able to get what I wanted, that is: a graph representing probabilities.

