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  • How to interpret drastic differences in significance? (panel data)

    I am working on my thesis about the Environmental Kuznets Curve for Latin America and Southeast Asia, with a pannel data with fixed and random effects. I am using logarithmics and robust standard errors. I would to assess the difference in the effects between the two regions.

    I obtain the results attached in the pictures. I do not understand why the cubic terms lose all their significance when adding the Latin America regional dummy and interacting it with the GDPpc variables. In the first regression (the one without regional variables), the introduction of the cubic term makes all the variables significant, and in the second regression is the opposite. How does this make sense?

    Depedendent variable: ln of CO2 per capita

    PS: I know I should include controls, but in this first analysis I just want to analyse the effect of GDPpc and the regional different effect
    Click image for larger version

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    Click image for larger version

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    These are the codes I used for each table:

    est clear
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc, fe robust
    est store fe_model
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc, re robust
    est store re_model
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2, fe robust
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2, re robust
    est store re_model1
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 ln_gdppc3, fe robust
    est store fe_model2
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 ln_gdppc3, re robust
    est store re_model2
    esttab using "a", replace  ///
     b(3) se(3) nomtitle label star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
     booktabs  ///
     title("Basic regression table, 1960-2018 \label{reg1}")

    est clear
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc LAgdppc, fe robust
    est store fe_model
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc Latin_America LAgdppc, re robust
    est store re_model
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 LAgdppc LAgdppc2, fe robust
    est store fe_model1
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 Latin_America LAgdppc LAgdppc2, re robust
    est store re_model1
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 ln_gdppc3 LAgdppc LAgdppc2 LAgdppc3, fe robust
    est store fe_model2
    eststo: xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 ln_gdppc3 Latin_America LAgdppc LAgdppc2 LAgdppc3, re robust
    est store re_model2
    esttab using "prueba.tex", replace  ///
     b(3) se(3) nomtitle label star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
     booktabs  ///
     title("Basic regression table, regional effects for 1960-2018 \label{reg1}")   ///
    Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:18. Reason: anonymize original poster

  • #2
    the two regressions differ as far as their specification is concerned: thus, no wonder that they produce different coefficients.
    It's up to you to choose which one is more consistent with the data genetating process.
    In addition, how could you explain the contribution of a cubic term to variation in the dependent variable, when adjusted for the othe predictors?
    Personally, I'd go with your second regression without the cubic term.
    As an aside, please avoid posting screnshots to share what you typed and what Stata gave you back and use CODE delimiters instead. Thanks,
    Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:19. Reason: anonymize original poster
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Thank you so much for your reply!

      Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
      It's up to you to choose which one is more consistent with the data genetating process.
      I am confused about which model to choose, because it is possible to find in the literature either no curve, an inverted U-shaped curve (quadratic) or a N-shaped curve (cubic).

      Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
      In addition, how could you explain the contribution of a cubic term to variation in the dependent variable, when adjusted for the othe predictors?
      For the first regression, I performed a Ramsey test, and I got that I should include quadratic and cubic terms of ln(GDPpc), hence why I decided to include a cubic term in the second regression as well.

      I do not understand how to interpret this then: I have evidence of a N-shaped curve for both regions, but when analysing them at regional level I get evidence of an inverted U-shaped curve for Latin America and nothing for Southeast Asia?
      This does not make much sense to me.....

      Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
      As an aside, please avoid posting screnshots to share what you typed and what Stata gave you back and use CODE delimiters instead
      Sure! I just thought that posting the tables from Latex would be more neat and clearer, hence why I included the screenshots.


      • #4
        as far as I know -estat ovtest- is not available after -xtreg-.
        That said, you can check whether a quadratic term is enough with your data applying the -linktest- procedure by hand (as the Stata built-in command does not work after -xtreg-). If the squared fitted values are statistically significant, you can consider adding the cubic term and then re-run the procedure to check whether squared fitted values stop being significant.
        Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:19. Reason: anonymize original poster
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          to choose between -fe- and -re- specification with non-default standard errors you should consider the community-contributed module -xtoverid-.
          Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:19. Reason: anonymize original poster
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
            as far as I know -estat ovtest- is not available after -xtreg-.
            That said, you can check whether a quadratic term is enough with your data applying the -linktest- procedure by hand (as the Stata built-in command does not work after -xtreg-). If the squared fitted values are statistically significant, you can consider adding the cubic term and then re-run the procedure to check whether squared fitted values stop being significant.
            I do not really know how to apply the -linktest- procedure by hand.
            However, I did the Ramsey test "by hand":

            . est clear
            . xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc, fe robust
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      1,714
            Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0032                                         min =         26
                 between = 0.4462                                         avg =       55.3
                 overall = 0.3153                                         max =         59
                                                            F(1,30)           =       0.24
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.5983                        Prob > F          =     0.6308
                                           (Std. Err. adjusted for 31 clusters in country)
                         |               Robust
                ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                ln_gdppc |  -.0734233   .1511927    -0.49   0.631       -.3822    .2353534
                   _cons |   8.282819   1.295602     6.39   0.000     5.636848    10.92879
                 sigma_u |  2.7353398
                 sigma_e |   .5689028
                     rho |  .95853684   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            . predict fitted, xb
            (96 missing values generated)
            . g sq_fitted=fitted^2
            (96 missing values generated)
            . g cu_fitted=fitted^3
            (96 missing values generated)
            . xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc sq_fitted, fe robust
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      1,714
            Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0039                                         min =         26
                 between = 0.1783                                         avg =       55.3
                 overall = 0.0931                                         max =         59
                                                            F(2,30)           =       0.12
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.3397                        Prob > F          =     0.8876
                                           (Std. Err. adjusted for 31 clusters in country)
                         |               Robust
                ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                ln_gdppc |  -3.311171   10.65314    -0.31   0.758    -25.06779    18.44545
               sq_fitted |  -2.878917   9.410758    -0.31   0.762    -22.09825    16.34042
                   _cons |   204.6855   642.5999     0.32   0.752    -1107.679    1517.049
                 sigma_u |  2.7128624
                 sigma_e |  .56886901
                     rho |  .95788077   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            . test sq_fitted
             ( 1)  sq_fitted = 0
                   F(  1,    30) =    0.09
                        Prob > F =    0.7618
            end of do-file
            I need to add a cubic term in order to get a significant quadratic term (i still do not understand the logic behind this), as table 1 from my regression displays:

            . xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2, fe robust
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      1,714
            Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0039                                         min =         26
                 between = 0.1785                                         avg =       55.3
                 overall = 0.0932                                         max =         59
                                                            F(2,30)           =       0.12
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.3399                        Prob > F          =     0.8877
                                           (Std. Err. adjusted for 31 clusters in country)
                         |               Robust
                ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                ln_gdppc |   .1903111   .8059023     0.24   0.815    -1.455561    1.836183
               ln_gdppc2 |   -.015511   .0507332    -0.31   0.762    -.1191221    .0881001
                   _cons |    7.17775   3.248234     2.21   0.035       .54397    13.81153
                 sigma_u |  2.7128766
                 sigma_e |  .56886925
                     rho |  .95788115   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            . predict fitted1, xb
            (96 missing values generated)
            . g sq_fitted1=fitted1^2
            (96 missing values generated)
            . g cu_fitted1=fitted1^3
            (96 missing values generated)
            . xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 cu_fitted1, fe robust
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      1,714
            Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0417                                         min =         26
                 between = 0.3009                                         avg =       55.3
                 overall = 0.0821                                         max =         59
                                                            F(3,30)           =       3.23
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.3600                        Prob > F          =     0.0362
                                           (Std. Err. adjusted for 31 clusters in country)
                         |               Robust
                ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                ln_gdppc |  -38.76917   16.09545    -2.41   0.022    -71.64047   -5.897868
               ln_gdppc2 |   3.182528   1.315425     2.42   0.022     .4960707    5.868984
              cu_fitted1 |   1.205776   .4977642     2.42   0.022     .1892055    2.222346
                   _cons |  -437.8118     183.31    -2.39   0.023    -812.1807   -63.44279
                 sigma_u |  2.7667764
                 sigma_e |  .55812847
                     rho |  .96089813   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            . test ln_gdppc2
             ( 1)  ln_gdppc2 = 0
                   F(  1,    30) =    5.85
                        Prob > F =    0.0218
            end of do-file

            PD: I am aware of my missing values, but they belong to Southeast Asian countries which were colonies and went through civil wars and territorial changes, hence why data for this country is more limited in the earlier years. (I have already explained all this in my thesis)
            Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:20. Reason: anonymize original poster


            • #7
              Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
              to choose between -fe- and -re- specification with non-default standard errors you should consider the community-contributed module -xtoverid-.
              Sorry, I had not seen this message.
              I performed the xtoverid test, and if I understood it correct, I have evidence that I should use Fixed Effects (p-value<5%)

              . est clear
              . xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc, fe robust
              Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      1,714
              Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
              R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                   within  = 0.0032                                         min =         26
                   between = 0.4462                                         avg =       55.3
                   overall = 0.3153                                         max =         59
                                                              F(1,30)           =       0.24
              corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.5983                        Prob > F          =     0.6308
                                             (Std. Err. adjusted for 31 clusters in country)
                           |               Robust
                  ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  ln_gdppc |  -.0734233   .1511927    -0.49   0.631       -.3822    .2353534
                     _cons |   8.282819   1.295602     6.39   0.000     5.636848    10.92879
                   sigma_u |  2.7353398
                   sigma_e |   .5689028
                       rho |  .95853684   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              . xtreg ln_co2pc ln_gdppc, re robust
              Random-effects GLS regression                   Number of obs     =      1,714
              Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
              R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                   within  = 0.0032                                         min =         26
                   between = 0.4462                                         avg =       55.3
                   overall = 0.3153                                         max =         59
                                                              Wald chi2(1)      =       0.16
              corr(u_i, X)   = 0 (assumed)                    Prob > chi2       =     0.6904
                                             (Std. Err. adjusted for 31 clusters in country)
                           |               Robust
                  ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  ln_gdppc |  -.0600058   .1506409    -0.40   0.690    -.3552566     .235245
                     _cons |   7.841673   1.489644     5.26   0.000     4.922024    10.76132
                   sigma_u |  2.0314109
                   sigma_e |   .5689028
                       rho |  .92727416   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              . xtoverid
              Test of overidentifying restrictions: fixed vs random effects
              Cross-section time-series model: xtreg re  robust cluster(country)
              Sargan-Hansen statistic  10.016  Chi-sq(1)    P-value = 0.0016
              Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:20. Reason: anonymize original poster


              • #8
                1) your Rsq within is low;
                2) you're dealing with a T>N panel datasets. Therefore, you should switch from -xtreg- to -xtregar- or -xtgls-;
                3) provided 2) your -xtoverid- results point you out to -fe- specification (thah might be -xtregar,fe-).
                Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:21. Reason: anonymize original poster
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
                  1) your Rsq within is low;
                  1. How can I fix this then? The aim of this model was to check for the existance of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, so maybe when I add controls in my other model I will get better Rsq?

                  2) you're dealing with a T>N panel datasets. Therefore, you should switch from -xtreg- to -xtregar- or -xtgls-;
                  3) provided 2) your -xtoverid- results point you out to -fe- specification (thah might be -xtregar,fe-).
                  2. I do not understand "xtregar fits cross-sectional time-series regression models when the disturbance term is first-order autoregressive"
                  -xtset- told me that my panel data is strongly balanced, so why I should I use something with an AR(1)?

                  3. Plus, I tried to run xtregar but I cannot use robust standard errors (and I should use them)

                  . est clear
                  xtregar ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 ln_gdppc3, fe robust
                  option robust not allowed
                  Nevertheless, ln_gdppc is significant if I remove "robust" (but neither the cuadratic nor the cubic terms are)

                  . est clear
                  . xtregar ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 ln_gdppc3, fe
                  FE (within) regression with AR(1) disturbances  Number of obs     =      1,683
                  Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
                  R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                       within  = 0.0132                                         min =         25
                       between = 0.5020                                         avg =       54.3
                       overall = 0.3946                                         max =         58
                                                                  F(3,1649)         =       7.37
                  corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.6191                         Prob > F          =     0.0001
                      ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                      ln_gdppc |   1.011816   .5973827     1.69   0.091    -.1598928    2.183524
                     ln_gdppc2 |  -.0952462   .1151743    -0.83   0.408    -.3211496    .1306571
                     ln_gdppc3 |   .0033707   .0061209     0.55   0.582    -.0086348    .0153762
                         _cons |   3.733334   .0904777    41.26   0.000      3.55587    3.910797
                        rho_ar |  .89587178
                       sigma_u |  2.5780939
                       sigma_e |  .24936573
                       rho_fov |  .99073102   (fraction of variance because of u_i)
                  F test that all u_i=0: F(30,1649) = 28.02                    Prob > F = 0.0000

                  And if I use random effects, all of them are significant:

                  . xtregar ln_co2pc ln_gdppc ln_gdppc2 ln_gdppc3, re
                  RE GLS regression with AR(1) disturbances       Number of obs     =      1,714
                  Group variable: country                         Number of groups  =         31
                  R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                       within  = 0.0028                                         min =         26
                       between = 0.5168                                         avg =       55.3
                       overall = 0.4060                                         max =         59
                                                                  Wald chi2(4)      =      13.29
                  corr(u_i, Xb)      = 0 (assumed)                Prob > chi2       =     0.0099
                  ------------------- theta --------------------
                    min      5%       median        95%      max
                  0.7136   0.7375     0.7804     0.7804   0.7804
                      ln_co2pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                      ln_gdppc |   6.219129    3.06162     2.03   0.042     .2184634    12.21979
                     ln_gdppc2 |  -.7004757   .3868706    -1.81   0.070    -1.458728    .0577767
                     ln_gdppc3 |   .0266936   .0160624     1.66   0.097    -.0047881    .0581753
                         _cons |  -11.24441   7.984561    -1.41   0.159    -26.89386    4.405039
                        rho_ar |  .89587178   (estimated autocorrelation coefficient)
                       sigma_u |  1.3766474
                       sigma_e |  .28170866
                       rho_fov |  .95980803   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                  4. However, in this ocasion, I cannot use xtoverid to choose between FE and RE.... how can I perform the Hausman test then?

                  5. Moreover, I cannot use time-fixed effects (i.year) with xtregar, and I really need to use them for my analysis.

                  Sorry if these are dumb questions, but my knowledge about panel data is very limited, and I do not really understand the -xtregar- manual.
                  Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:21. Reason: anonymize original poster


                  • #10
                    1) let's hope so;
                    2) and 3) you can use -xtgls- with -i.panelid- in the right-hand side of your regression equation. -xtgls- allows cluster-robust standard errors;
                    4) you may want to consided a Mundlak approach, that you have to replicate by hand, though.
                    Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:21. Reason: anonymize original poster
                    Kind regards,
                    (StataNow 18.5)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
                      1) let's hope so;
                      2) and 3) you can use -xtgls- with -i.panelid- in the right-hand side of your regression equation. -xtgls- allows cluster-robust standard errors;
                      4) you may want to consided a Mundlak approach, that you have to replicate by hand, though.
                      First of all, thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it.

                      So, just to organize my thoughts:

                      - I cannot use xtreg because I have a long (T>N) panel dataset => I should use xtrgar or xtgls
                      - I have heteroskedasticity => I should use robust standard errors => however, i cannot include neither "robust" nor "vce()" with xtgls
                      - I have entity-fixed effects and time-fixed effects => I should include and i.year if I am using xtgls
                      - If I want a random-effect model, I do not include neither nor i.year

                      Is this correct?

                      I have more questions though:

                      1. As I said above, how can I control heteroskedasticity in xtgls?
                      2. Do I perform the Mundlak approach for xtreg, xtregar or xtgls?
                      3. Do I perform the Ramsey test for xtreg, xtregar or xtgls?
                      4. Does the interpretation of these results vary with respect to regular panel data? (for instance, in the case of regional dummy variables and their interactions, etc.)
                      Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:21. Reason: anonymize original poster


                      • #12
                        1) T>N rules out -xtreg- and calls for -xtregar- or -xtgls- instead,
                        2) -xtgls- has its own options for cluster-robust standa4d errors. Take a look at -xtgls- entry, Stata .pdf manual;
                        3) yes. You should include both -i.panelid- and -i.timevar-;
                        4) I meant Mundlak for -xtgls-: if -test- shows the panel-specific means of time-invariant variables to reach statistical significance, -fe- is the way to go (see Mundlak worked out example in Stata blog);
                        5) you should apply the -linktest- procedure by hand, as -xt- commands do not support -estat ovtest-;
                        6) the interpretation of the coefficients does not vary.
                        Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:21. Reason: anonymize original poster
                        Kind regards,
                        (StataNow 18.5)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
                          1) T>N rules out -xtreg- and calls for -xtregar- or -xtgls- instead,
                          2) -xtgls- has its own options for cluster-robust standa4d errors. Take a look at -xtgls- entry, Stata .pdf manual;
                          3) yes. You should include both -i.panelid- and -i.timevar-;
                          4) I meant Mundlak for -xtgls-: if -test- shows the panel-specific means of time-invariant variables to reach statistical significance, -fe- is the way to go (see Mundlak worked out example in Stata blog);
                          5) you should apply the -linktest- procedure by hand, as -xt- commands do not support -estat ovtest-;
                          6) the interpretation of the coefficients does not vary.
                          Thanks so much for your time and dedication.

                          ​​​​​​2) I have checked out the PDF. Will "panels(heteroskedastic)" be enough? Because I cannot apply "panels(correlated)" due to missing values probably.
                          5) I will! But I have to perform this test after xtgls, not xtreg, right? Just making sure
                          Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:21. Reason: anonymize original poster


                          • #14
                            2) -panels(correlated)- is the way to go; -panels(heteroskedastic)- accounts for heterosckedasticity only;
                            5) yes, after -xtgls-; with a T>N panel dataset -xtreg- is not a viable option.
                            Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:21. Reason: anonymize original poster
                            Kind regards,
                            (StataNow 18.5)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
                              2) -panels(correlated)- is the way to go; -panels(heteroskedastic)- accounts for heterosckedasticity only;
                              5) yes, after -xtgls-; with a T>N panel dataset -xtreg- is not a viable option.
                              Thanks again for your help.

                              However, after trying to use "panels(correlated)", I get the following error message: panels must be balanced
                              I have missing values, but when I apply xtset, I obtain a "strongly balanced" message.

                              If I cannot use "panels(correlated)", are there other options?
                              Last edited by sladmin; 02 Mar 2024, 09:22. Reason: anonymize original poster

