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  • Decomposition analysis

    I want to run a decomposition analysis between groups. My outcome is binary, with multiple independent and profounding variables. Which type of decomposition should I run in the STATA? Moreover, this is survey data showing a comparison in years. Can anyone guide me with proper instructions?

  • #2
    Hi Ishrat,
    If you have two groups, you then may want to use oaxaca command (from SSC, written by Ben Jann) which does Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. You also may want to specific logit option to account for the fact that your outcome is a binary.

    Hope this helps.


    • #3
      Following this conversation, can someone please help me with the STATA code for doing the Oaxaca decomposition analysis?
      I am using the demographic and health survey Data (household survey data) with a binary outcome "contraceptive use 'cuse'" 0,1 and I have three independent variables: wealth (3 categories: poor, middle, rich), residence (2 categories: urban, rural) and age (2 categories: 15-19, 20-24). I want to do a decomposition analysis showing comparisons between age groups. What would be the STATA code? Many thanks in advance!


      • #4
        ssc install oaxaca
        help oaxaca

        there's a logit option.

        use omega option for a two-way decomposition.

        age must be 2 categories (0/1).

        Also see:

        HTML Code:


        • #5
          Many thanks, George! I shall try this and come back if I hit a roadblock.

