My colleague created a graph in Stata using the code below. I'd like to make the writing "By eliminating lead" in the legend appear blue, like the writing of 'hlo_expost1'. How do I achieve this? Thanks!
#delimit ; tw (pccapsym rank hlo rank hlo_expost1, msym(none) lcolor(blue)) (sc rank hlo, mlabel(hlos1) msymbol(none) mlabpos(9)) (sc rank hlo_expost1, mlabel(effect1s1) msymbol(none) mlabpos(3) mlabc(blue)) (sc rank left, mlabel(countryname) msymbol(none) mlabpos(3) mlabcolor(black)), ysc(off) xsc(range(650)) legend(order(2 "Status quo" 3 "By eliminating lead")) ylab(,nogrid) xlab(0(100)600,nogrid) xline(500) xsize(4) ysize(6) xtitle("World Bank, Harmonized Learning Outcomes", margin(20 0 0 0) height(5)) ; #delimit cr
#delimit ; tw (pccapsym rank hlo rank hlo_expost1, msym(none) lcolor(blue)) (sc rank hlo, mlabel(hlos1) msymbol(none) mlabpos(9)) (sc rank hlo_expost1, mlabel(effect1s1) msymbol(none) mlabpos(3) mlabc(blue)) (sc rank left, mlabel(countryname) msymbol(none) mlabpos(3) mlabcolor(black)), ysc(off) xsc(range(650)) legend(order(2 "Status quo" 3 "By eliminating lead")) ylab(,nogrid) xlab(0(100)600,nogrid) xline(500) xsize(4) ysize(6) xtitle("World Bank, Harmonized Learning Outcomes", margin(20 0 0 0) height(5)) ; #delimit cr