I'm trying to test mediation effects with gsem, but my total effects aren't adding up correctly. If I have a binary outcome and treat it as linear, things are okay:
This total effect is the same as:
However, if I use logit, the total effect from the mediation model is different from the total effect from the simple model.
This makes me unsure which to use for the denominator when I calculate % mediated as indirect effect over total effect.
These differences might not seem like much, but in the actual data I'm working with, the difference can be large. Any advice?
sysuse auto gsem (trunk -> mpg)(trunk mpg -> foreign) nlcom _b[mpg:trunk]*_b[foreign:mpg] + _b[foreign:trunk] = -.0386701 // Indirect + direct = total
gsem (trunk -> foreign) = -.0386701 √
gsem (trunk -> mpg)(trunk mpg -> foreign) nlcom _b[mpg:trunk]*_b[foreign:mpg] + _b[foreign:trunk] = -.2149484 vs. gsem (trunk -> foreign, logit) lincom _b[foreign:trunk] = -.2092823
sysuse auto gsem (trunk -> mpg)(trunk mpg -> foreign, logit) nlcom (_b[mpg:trunk]*_b[foreign:mpg]) / -.2149484 = 39.6% or nlcom (_b[mpg:trunk]*_b[foreign:mpg]) / -.2092823 = 40.7%