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  • How to Estimate Average Treatment Effects and Counterfactual outcomes after runnning the "selmlog" Stata command

    Excuse me, may everyone help me...

    I ran the multinomial logit selection bias correction regression model developed by Bourguignon, Fournier, and Gurgan (2007). My main objective is to estimate both the actual and counterfactual outcomes of six treatment variables (T1, T2,... T6) on expenditure (logexp). My Stata command was specified as follows: "selmlog logexp x1, x2,... xn, select (Treatment (categorical 1 to 6) = X1, X2, Z1), dfm(2) showmlogit wls. where x1 to xn are independent variables that affect expenditure (logexp), while X1 and X2 are those that affect treatment var TREAT, and Z1 is valid instruments. Upon estimation of this command, it yields both the multinomial logit model results and the selection bias correction OLS results. These results include newly generated variables labelled m_0 to m_6 (since I have 7 categories [6 plus the base category] of the treatment variable TREAT).

    But... I wonder how to estimate average treatment effects and counterfactual outcomes after running this "selmlog" Stata command. I meant, what are the commands I must use?

    Thank you in advance.

  • #2
    Perhaps Jeff Wooldridge may comment on this.


    • #3
      Thank you for your suggest Jared Greathouse ...i am waiting for it


      • #4
        Can one help me please?


        • #5
          Can anyone help me please?


          • #6
            Hi Nang , Can you please let me know how to install the selmlog command in stata. I tried finding it from this site https://www.parisschoolofeconomics.c...-marc/selmlog/ but this site seems to be crashed. Can you kindly help.

