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  • Hausman test for the cases of-----> i.Category

    Dear community members

    The xtlogit with fe is producing singularity. How do I know which model is appropriate, given that can't perform Hausman test. May anyone suggest a way out?

    . xtlogit Positive_score1 i.Student_Caste_New i.T_jati_new    attendence_percent i.T_nature i.course1 semester   i.T_gender      
    > ,  re
    Fitting comparison model:
    Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -6916.3047  
    Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -6227.3535  
    Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -6223.3065  
    Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -6223.3052  
    Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -6223.3052  
    Fitting full model:
    tau =  0.0     log likelihood = -6223.3052
    tau =  0.1     log likelihood = -6205.3286
    tau =  0.2     log likelihood = -6215.0659
    Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -6205.3286  
    Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -6204.9602  
    Iteration 2:   log likelihood =   -6204.96  
    Random-effects logistic regression                   Number of obs    = 10,091
    Group variable: collegerollno                        Number of groups =    669
    Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian                        Obs per group:
                                                                      min =      3
                                                                      avg =   15.1
                                                                      max =     16
    Integration method: mvaghermite                      Integration pts. =     12
                                                         Wald chi2(14)    = 910.59
    Log likelihood = -6204.96                            Prob > chi2      = 0.0000
       Positive_score1 | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
     Student_Caste_New |
                SC/ST  |  -.1490578   .0669102    -2.23   0.026    -.2801994   -.0179163
                  OBC  |  -.1016576   .0681051    -1.49   0.136    -.2351412    .0318259
            T_jati_new |
                    2  |  -.0628621   .0654247    -0.96   0.337    -.1910922    .0653681
                    3  |   .0206409   .0692384     0.30   0.766     -.115064    .1563457
    attendence_percent |   .0108409   .0013488     8.04   0.000     .0081973    .0134845
            2.T_nature |  -.0030631   .0540264    -0.06   0.955     -.108953    .1028267
               course1 |
                  eco  |   .9048065   .0888302    10.19   0.000     .7307025    1.078911
                  eng  |  -.3349528   .0972555    -3.44   0.001    -.5255701   -.1443354
                hindi  |   1.290587   .1006605    12.82   0.000     1.093296    1.487878
              history  |   .3157114   .1174965     2.69   0.007     .0854225    .5460003
                maths  |   .6986293   .0925691     7.55   0.000     .5171973    .8800614
                  pol  |   2.036058   .0943254    21.59   0.000     1.851184    2.220933
              semester |   .0823136   .0192908     4.27   0.000     .0445044    .1201228
            2.T_gender |   .2276783   .0720022     3.16   0.002     .0865565       .3688
                 _cons |  -1.448744   .1504831    -9.63   0.000    -1.743686   -1.153803
              /lnsig2u |  -2.117038   .2086743                     -2.526033   -1.708044
               sigma_u |   .3469692   .0362018                      .2827997    .4256992
                   rho |   .0353016   .0071065                      .0237328    .0522084
    LR test of rho=0: chibar2(01) = 36.69                  Prob >= chibar2 = 0.000
    . xtlogit Positive_score1 i.Student_Caste_New i.T_jati_new    attendence_percent i.T_nature i.course1 semester   i.T_gender      
    > ,  fe
    note: multiple positive outcomes within groups encountered.
    note: 8 groups (122 obs) omitted because of all positive or
          all negative outcomes.
    note: 2.Student_Caste_New omitted because of no within-group variance.
    note: 3.Student_Caste_New omitted because of no within-group variance.
    note: 2.course1 omitted because of no within-group variance.
    note: 3.course1 omitted because of no within-group variance.
    note: 4.course1 omitted because of no within-group variance.
    note: 5.course1 omitted because of no within-group variance.
    note: 6.course1 omitted because of no within-group variance.
    note: 7.course1 omitted because of no within-group variance.
    Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -4796.8683  
    Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -4781.9886  
    Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -4781.9698  
    Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -4781.9698  
    Conditional fixed-effects logistic regression        Number of obs    =  9,969
    Group variable: collegerollno                        Number of groups =    661
                                                         Obs per group:
                                                                      min =      3
                                                                      avg =   15.1
                                                                      max =     16
                                                         LR chi2(6)       =  51.67
    Log likelihood = -4781.9698                          Prob > chi2      = 0.0000
       Positive_score1 | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
     Student_Caste_New |
                SC/ST  |          0  (omitted)
                  OBC  |          0  (omitted)
            T_jati_new |
                    2  |  -.0534922   .0658445    -0.81   0.417    -.1825452    .0755607
                    3  |   .0108931    .070487     0.15   0.877    -.1272589    .1490451
    attendence_percent |   .0110619   .0017746     6.23   0.000     .0075838      .01454
            2.T_nature |   .0140017   .0547203     0.26   0.798    -.0932482    .1212516
               course1 |
                  eco  |          0  (omitted)
                  eng  |          0  (omitted)
                hindi  |          0  (omitted)
              history  |          0  (omitted)
                maths  |          0  (omitted)
                  pol  |          0  (omitted)
              semester |   .0865461   .0209006     4.14   0.000     .0455818    .1275105
            2.T_gender |   .2040773   .0723231     2.82   0.005     .0623267    .3458278
    Data--- I have repeated scores of the same student in various exams that he took in different papers and semesters.

    I am stuck, and not able to know, which model (fe re or me) is appropriate for my data.

    How do I conduct Hausman test for the produced results (shown in code)

  • #2
    Looks like most of your Xs are unchanging within the FE. Is it supposed to be that way?


    • #3
      Sir, am I doing something wrong?. Before I ran these two regressions, I did xtset unique_student_ID .
      Last edited by ajay pasi; 10 Jan 2023, 13:50.


      • #4
        does SC/BT vary within a student ID?


        • #5
          as an aside to George's helpful guidance, I'm under the impression that -course1- is a time-invariant variable either, and that you have multiple scores per student measured on the same course at different points in time.
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            The data is a natural college data. George student has fixed social group (i.e., SC/ST OBC UR).

            Carlo, you are right course1 (i.e., majoring course) is time invariant, multiple scores per student as they took many papers, in which they took tests.
            Last edited by ajay pasi; 10 Jan 2023, 15:00.


            • #7
              You might look at this article and try the REWB model.

              HTML Code:
              Also, you can proceed with Hausman test even if you get the ommissions on the time invariant variables.
              Last edited by George Ford; 10 Jan 2023, 15:02.


              • #8
                Thanks George, I am reading article to try REWB model.


                • #9
                  One more thing, George. For applying REWB, is it conditional on Hausman test?


                  • #10
                    I can recall prof. Wooldridge has also suggested in one of the statalist post, for use of REWB in a somewhat similar case as that of me.


                    • #11
                      Although it is not mentioned in the reference cited in #7, the author of that article has co-written a Stata program -xthybrid- which implements the hybrid and correlated random-effects analyses. It is available from SSC.
                      Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 10 Jan 2023, 16:07.


                      • #12
                        REWB is not conditional on Hausman test. One of its advantages.


                        • #13
                          Thanks George, Clyde, and Carlo, sirs for valuable guidance.


                          • #14
                            Hello sirs, with reference to our previous interaction xthybrid related conversation

                            May I get any suggestion in this---



                            • #15
                              After reading and wondering, I have come to the conclusion of asking this,

                              In Schunck (2013) "The within-cluster effects are statistically different from the between-cluster effects, as can be seen from the small p-values in the formal tests of the random-effects assumption of orthogonality between the observables and the unobservables ( b[B age]= b[W age] p-value: 0.0004 and b[B msp]= b[W msp] p-value: 0.0000). This constitutes evidence in favor of rejecting such an assumption as well as using a standard random-effects model" (p.102). What if the highlighted p-value is not significant? Does this mean one can go for the standard random effect model? or stick to xthybrid?

                              Schunck, R. (2013). Within and between estimates in random-effects models: Advantages and drawbacks of correlated random effects and hybrid models. The Stata Journal, 13(1), 65-76.


