I'm using a DiD model to understand how change in a particular U.S. *state-level* policy influenced my outcome of interest in the several months before a particular *federal* policy turned off, and after a particular federal policy turned off. I'm interested in understanding how change in this policy affected my outcome of interest in the pre- and post-periods in both the control group of states (where the federal policy remained on in the post-period) and the treatment group of states (where the federal policy was off in the post-period). The state-level policy is a continuous variable; and because it's right-skewed it's logged.
I'm using the margins command to try to get at these questions. But I'm unsure how best to represent my continuous logged state-level policy in the command. I've come up with an approach where I enter different values of the logged variable, but I'm having trouble interpreting what moving from one value of the logged variable to another actually means. Any thoughts? Thanks.
I'm using the margins command to try to get at these questions. But I'm unsure how best to represent my continuous logged state-level policy in the command. I've come up with an approach where I enter different values of the logged variable, but I'm having trouble interpreting what moving from one value of the logged variable to another actually means. Any thoughts? Thanks.
logit reemp3 i.postperiod##i.cutoff3##c.l_denials2019 b3.age_group b1.race_wbho b4.edu4 i.woman##i.marstdum1##i.ownkidd_18 b1.ind_nilf b1.uh_occmaj_b2 sampjl b1.durg ur_sa ur2_sa ur3_sa iur iur2 iur3 initrate initrate2 initrate3 empgrowth emp2 emp3 l_incrate_jhu stringd if sampall==1 & age>=18 & age<65 [pw=wtfinl], vce(cluster statefip) or margins i.cutoff3, at(l_denials2019=(-1(.5)1.5)) dydx(postperiod) pwcompare(cimargins effects)