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  • Panel data analysis - GMM-Model (xtabond2) & Hansen test

    Hello together,

    for a thesis for the university, I am trying to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial education on economic growth.

    For this, I use ln(GDPperCapita) as my dependent variable, basicschoolentrepreneurialedu and postschoolentrepreneurialedu as my key explanatory variables, and different control variables related to economic growth (R&D_expenditure, GrossCapitalFormation, Educ_Attainment, Unemployment, Governm_Expenditure, PopulationGrowth).

    I'm pretty new to the analysis of panel data, but I was reading a lot that to avoid endogeneity problems in models related to economic growth a good regression model is the system GMM-Model.

    To calculate it for my example I used stata17 and the xtabond2 command, but I face different problems regarding my results, and I'm not sure if I used the command, especially with the iv and lagged variables in the right way.

     xtabond2 lnGDPperCapita  Basicschoolentrepreneurialedu Postschoolentrepreneurialeduc RandD_expenditure GrossCapitalFormation Educ_Attainment Unemploymenttotaloftotal Governm_Expenditure Populationgrowthannual, gmm(L.lnGDPperCapita, lag(. 4)) ivstyle(Governm_Expenditure RandD_expenditure GrossCapitalFormation Educ_Attainment Unemploymenttotaloftotal ) robust twostep
    My results look like this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Results_GMM.png
Views:	1
Size:	214.7 KB
ID:	1688407

    My problems:
    1. My Hansen test shows a high p-value of 0.959. After roodman it should be between 0,1 and 0,3. what did I do wrong in the model?
    2. I read that the ar(2) is important for interpreting. What is it resulting in my example?
    I really appreciate every answer and your help. As a beginner in panel data analysis, I face a lot of difficulties and your help would bring me forward a lot.
    Many thanks
    Last edited by Lorenz Franz; 07 Nov 2022, 06:51.

  • #2
    33 instruments seems like a lot for only 25 individuals and 109 observations. The 0.959 on the Hansen test could be exactly what it appears to be--a reassuring result--or it could indeed be misleadingly elevated by having so many instruments. I would reduce the number of instruments by inserting the "collapse" option in the gmm() option.

    The high p value on the AR(2) test in first differences suggests that there is no first-order serial correlation in the undifferenced errors, which is good.


    • #3
      Thank you for your advice Mr. Roodman. That helped a lot. The only problem that I am facing right now is that the p-values of my independent variables are still insignificant. Is there a way to influence the p-value?


      • #4
        Respected @ David Roodman, in my study, the AR(1), AR(2) and Sargan test are showing a significant results though the AR(3) and Hansen test are showing insignificant results, therefore should I consider my model to be valid or not? (I have no of instruments< No of groups)
        Your suggestions are highly needed.

