In principle, variable names should only include the underscore, letters a-z and A-Z and numeric characters 0-9.
But in practice problems can creep in somehow or another. See for example this thread started by Jeph Herrin at
and this thread started by Sezer Alcan at
I've put together a quick hack of a program badvarnames that tells you about bad variable names.
Here it is.
and here it is in action in Stata 10.1 (tested to see how far back the program would go):
I could add char(160) to the end of my variable name (I don't recommend this!) but the program showed me a trailing character and printed out the ASCII code for the problematic character.
But in practice problems can creep in somehow or another. See for example this thread started by Jeph Herrin at
and this thread started by Sezer Alcan at
I've put together a quick hack of a program badvarnames that tells you about bad variable names.
Here it is.
*! 1.0.0 NJC 16 April 2014 program badvarnames version 10 syntax [varlist] local I = 0 local length = 0 foreach v of var `varlist' { mata : st_local("chars", invtokens(strofreal(ascii("`v'")))) foreach c of local chars { local bad if inrange(`c', 48, 57) { * OK: 0 to 9 } else if inrange(`c', 65, 90) { * OK: A to Z } else if inrange(`c', 97, 122) { * OK: a to z } else if `c' == 95 { * OK: _ } else local bad `bad' `c' } if trim("`bad'") != "" { local ++I local name`I' "`v'" local bad`I' "`bad'" local length = max(`length' + 5, length("`v'") + 5) } } if `I' { di forval i = 1/`I' { di "|`name`i''|{col `length'}`bad`i''" } } end
. sysuse auto (1978 Automobile Data) . rename rep78 rep78`=char(160)' . badvarnames |rep78 | 160