Stata12SE on windowsXp,
I use --wbopendata-- package from net install wbopendata
I have an error only with category #8 I used the following command and got the following error message:
wbopendata, language(en - English) country() topics(8 - Health) indicator() long clear
i=countryname countrycode indicatorname indicatorcode does not uniquely identify the observations;
there are multiple observations with the same value of countryname countrycode indicatorname indicatorcode.
Type "reshape error" for a listing of the problem observations.
Anybody has an idea how to deal with that!
I use --wbopendata-- package from net install wbopendata
I have an error only with category #8 I used the following command and got the following error message:
wbopendata, language(en - English) country() topics(8 - Health) indicator() long clear
i=countryname countrycode indicatorname indicatorcode does not uniquely identify the observations;
there are multiple observations with the same value of countryname countrycode indicatorname indicatorcode.
Type "reshape error" for a listing of the problem observations.
Anybody has an idea how to deal with that!