Dear All,
I am running a xtsemipar in Stata 17. The xtreg works well, but xtsemipar always gives me an error "no observation" back. Does xtsemipar requires strong balanced data with no gap?
The xtreg works well, but xtsemipar never works.
I am running a xtsemipar in Stata 17. The xtreg works well, but xtsemipar always gives me an error "no observation" back. Does xtsemipar requires strong balanced data with no gap?
. tsset houseid monthtime Panel variable: houseid (unbalanced) Time variable: monthtime, 1 to 239, but with gaps Delta: 1 unit . xtreg lask loss xbt i.Listtime Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 72,908 Group variable: houseid Number of groups = 54,789 R-squared: Obs per group: Within = 0.3118 min = 1 Between = 0.1914 avg = 1.3 Overall = 0.1908 max = 7 Wald chi2(240) = 20561.80 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lask | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- loss | .1015093 .0061341 16.55 0.000 .0894866 .113532 xbt | -.5021619 .0190543 -26.35 0.000 -.5395076 -.4648162 | Listtime | 200103 | -.1275978 .4157639 -0.31 0.759 -.94248 .6872844 200104 | -.1969312 .4047043 -0.49 0.627 -.9901372 .5962747
. xi: xtsemipar lask xbt i.Listtime, nonpar(loss) i.Listtime _IListtime_200102-202012(naturally coded; _IListtime_200102 omitted) no observations r(2000);