I use the following to generate the regression tables:
But in the resulting Excel file, coefficients and stars are in two separate columns.
I need them in the same column, because Word won't format them as I want to if they are in two different columns.
quietly etable, estimates(h_1_1 h_1_2 h_1_3 h_1_4 h_1_5 h_1_6 h_1_7 h_1_8) /// cstat(_r_b) cstat(_r_se, nformat(%7.2f)) /// mstat(N) mstat(r2_p, nformat(%7.4f)) mstat(chi2) stars(.1 "*" .05 "**" .01 "***", attach(_r_b)) /// showstars showstarsnote column(estimates) title("Models for hypothesis H1")
quietly collect export "$outdir/tables/h1.xlsx", replace
I need them in the same column, because Word won't format them as I want to if they are in two different columns.