Good morning everyone,
I'm having some difficulties verifying the parallel trends assumption for a DiD strategy. I normally use (and have done so in the past) the usual graphical representation and visual inspection of trends, simply plotting them in the following way:
However, according to many scholars (including some of my professors) merely observing trends is not enough to verify this assumption. I know that, when using the xtdidregress function, the following commands can be used to verify the parallel trends assumption and perform the granger test:
However, I was wondering whether the same tests could be done without the xtdidreg command. Lastly, I saw that many papers directly plot the difference between trends. How can this be done through stata? Forgive me if this question turns out to be too basic, unfortunately I'm not an expert in econometrics and have many difficulties applying this methodology. Thank you!
I'm having some difficulties verifying the parallel trends assumption for a DiD strategy. I normally use (and have done so in the past) the usual graphical representation and visual inspection of trends, simply plotting them in the following way:
bysort year: egen revenue_controls = mean(revenue) if treatment == 0 bysort year: egen revenue_treatment = mean(revenue) if treatment == 1 line revenue_controls revenue_treatment year
xtdidreg (revenue) (treatment), group(id) time(year) estat trendplot estat ptrends estat granger