I'm trying to use: 1) lags to check whether the effect increases or decreases over time, and 2) leads to check for parallel trends.
At the moment, my treatment occurs in different years across the states in my dataset, and some states are never exposed to the treatment.
So far, I have constructed what I think might work:
This has assigned each treated state/year combination into its proper time relative to treatment.
I guess the underlying question I have is, now that I have generated dummies to differentiate states by the year relative to their treatment, if I wanted to see how treatment effects changed over time, would I use a regression model, or is there another more effective way I'm missing?
I'm thinking that regressing each dummy (0 years after treatment, 1 year after, 2 years, etc.) against my dependent variable may work, but I am not entirely sure. Would you recommend this method, or another?
Also, to see if there are parallel trends, would I have to construct graphs, or is there some kind of other method?
At the moment, my treatment occurs in different years across the states in my dataset, and some states are never exposed to the treatment.
So far, I have constructed what I think might work:
tab States, gen(s) foreach x of varlist s1-s50{ gen st`x'=`x'*Year } so States Year gen provision=0 replace provision=1 if L.activetreatment==0 & activetreatment==1 forvalues kk = 0(1)13 { gen F`kk'_pre=F`kk'.provision replace F`kk'_pre=0 if F`kk'_pre==. } forvalues kk = 1(1)5 { gen L`kk'_pre=L`kk'.provision replace L`kk'_pre=0 if L`kk'_pre==. }
I guess the underlying question I have is, now that I have generated dummies to differentiate states by the year relative to their treatment, if I wanted to see how treatment effects changed over time, would I use a regression model, or is there another more effective way I'm missing?
I'm thinking that regressing each dummy (0 years after treatment, 1 year after, 2 years, etc.) against my dependent variable may work, but I am not entirely sure. Would you recommend this method, or another?
Also, to see if there are parallel trends, would I have to construct graphs, or is there some kind of other method?