I am performing regressions that I would like to export in LaTeX-format tables. Due to a low sample size in my dataset, I adjust the p-values of my regression coefficients using a boottest. Here's my code:
eststo reg1 : reg var treated control1 control2 control3, cluster(subgroup) robust
matrix beta=e(b)
boottest treated, boottype(wild) cluster(subgroup) robust nograph seed(1234) reps(10000)
pval = r(p)
I would like to export the treated coefficient obtained in the regression alongside the p-value found in the boottest and the significance stars. I would normally just use esttab but esttab uses the s.e. from the regression, which I do not want. Is there a way to do this or do I jave to construct a custom table from scratch ?
eststo reg1 : reg var treated control1 control2 control3, cluster(subgroup) robust
matrix beta=e(b)
boottest treated, boottype(wild) cluster(subgroup) robust nograph seed(1234) reps(10000)
pval = r(p)
I would like to export the treated coefficient obtained in the regression alongside the p-value found in the boottest and the significance stars. I would normally just use esttab but esttab uses the s.e. from the regression, which I do not want. Is there a way to do this or do I jave to construct a custom table from scratch ?