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  • Calculating derivative returns

    Hello all,

    I am need of some help in calculating the returns of a derivative strategy know as a straddle (involves simultaneously buying both a put and call option for the underlying stock with the same strike price and same expiration date). My dataset looks like this:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input double secid long(datadate exdate) float nstrike_price str2 cp_flag float option_price
    101475 14111 14141   55 "C" 2.71875
    101475 14111 14141   55 "P"   4.625
    101475 14139 14169   55 "P"  3.4375
    101475 14139 14169   55 "C"       4
    101475 14144 14204   60 "C"  4.5625
    101475 14144 14204   60 "P"   5.375
    101475 14174 14204   60 "P"  5.0625
    101475 14174 14204   60 "C"  2.3125
    101475 14202 14232   65 "C"    3.25
    101475 14230 14260   60 "P"  3.1875
    101475 14230 14260   60 "C"  3.8125
    101475 14235 14295   65 "P"   7.875
    101475 14235 14295   60 "C"    5.25
    101475 14235 14295   65 "C"    3.25
    101475 14235 14295   60 "P"  4.8125
    101475 14265 14295   80 "C"     5.5
    101475 14265 14295   85 "C"    3.25
    101475 14265 14295   80 "P"  4.1875
    101475 14293 14323   75 "P"  5.6875
    101475 14293 14323   75 "C"    3.75
    101475 14321 14351   75 "C"  3.5625
    101475 14326 14386   70 "C"    5.75
    101475 14326 14386   70 "P"    6.75
    101475 14326 14386   75 "C"  3.8125
    101475 14326 14386   75 "P"   9.875
    101475 14354 14414   35 "C" 1.78125
    101475 14356 14386 32.5 "C" 1.53125
    101475 14356 14386   30 "C"   2.625
    101475 14356 14386 32.5 "P"   3.125
    101475 14356 14386   30 "P" 1.71875
    101475 14384 14414   30 "P" 1.90625
    101475 14412 14442   25 "P" 1.71875
    101475 14417 14477   25 "P" 1.96875
    101475 14417 14477   25 "C"       3
    101475 14445 14505   30 "C"  2.0625
    101475 14447 14477   30 "C"    1.25
    101475 14447 14477   30 "P"   2.875
    101475 14475 14505   30 "C" 1.15625
    101475 14503 14533   25 "P" 1.78125
    101475 14508 14568   25 "C" 1.40625
    101475 14508 14568   25 "P"       3
    101475 14508 14568 22.5 "P" 1.59375
    101475 14538 14568 17.5 "P"  1.5625
    101475 14566 14596   15 "P" 2.03125
    101475 14566 14596   15 "C"       1
    101475 14599 14659   15 "P"   2.875
    101475 14599 14659   15 "C"       1
    101475 14629 14659   20 "C" 1.84375
    101475 14629 14659   20 "P" 1.59375
    101475 14657 14687 17.5 "C" 1.15625
    101475 14657 14687 17.5 "P" 1.78125
    101475 14690 14750 17.5 "P" 2.78125
    101475 14690 14750 17.5 "C"  1.4375
    101475 14692 14722   15 "P" 1.15625
    101475 14692 14722   15 "C" 1.34375
    101475 14720 14750 17.5 "C" 1.84375
    101475 14720 14750 17.5 "P"    1.25
    101475 14748 14778   20 "C" 1.71875
    101475 14753 14813 22.5 "C" 2.46875
    101475 14781 14841   30 "C" 2.78125
    101475 14783 14813   30 "P"  2.9375
    101475 14783 14813   30 "C" 1.15625
    101475 14811 14841   30 "P"    1.75
    101475 14811 14841   30 "C" 2.59375
    101475 14872 14932   40 "C"    2.75
    101475 14874 14904   40 "C"  2.3125
    101475 14902 14932   45 "P"     3.5
    101475 14902 14932   45 "C" 2.84375
    101475 14930 14960   45 "C"  3.5625
    101475 14963 15023   50 "P"  5.3125
    101475 14963 15023   50 "C"   4.875
    101475 14963 15023   55 "C"       3
    101475 14965 14995   50 "C" 2.71875
    101475 14965 14995   50 "P"  4.3125
    101475 14993 15023   45 "P"     3.5
    101475 14993 15023   45 "C"  3.6875
    101475 15021 15051   55 "C"    3.05
    101475 15021 15051   55 "P"    4.95
    101475 15054 15114   45 "P"    3.35
    101475 15054 15114   45 "C"       4
    101475 15056 15086   45 "P"    2.95
    101475 15056 15086   45 "C"   1.625
    101475 15084 15114   50 "P"     2.2
    101475 15112 15142   55 "C"    3.05
    101475 15117 15177   55 "C"     3.6
    101475 15145 15205   60 "C"   2.525
    101475 15145 15205   60 "P"    3.75
    101475 15210 15240   60 "C"    2.85
    101475 15210 15240   60 "P"    1.75
    101475 15236 15296   65 "P"     4.2
    101475 15236 15296   65 "C"     3.9
    101475 15238 15268   65 "P"     2.7
    101475 15238 15268   65 "C"     3.5
    101475 15266 15296   70 "C"    2.85
    101475 15266 15296   70 "P"     2.8
    101475 15271 15331   70 "C"     3.9
    101475 15299 15359   60 "C"    3.75
    101475 15327 15387   60 "C"    4.15
    101475 15327 15387   60 "P"     3.8
    101475 15329 15359   60 "P"   1.975
    format %td datadate
    format %td exdate
    label var secid "Security ID"
    label var datadate "The Date of this Price"
    label var exdate "Expiration Date of the Option"
    label var cp_flag "C=Call, P=Put"
    What I want to be able to do is to generate a new variable called "straddle_returns" which can be expressed as straddle_returns= [(C_{t+1}+P_{t+1})-(C_t+P_t)]/(C_t+P_t), where C and P are call and put option prices. To generate this formula, I would need to match observations with the same secid, same datadate, same exdate, same nstrike_price (the strike price of the option), but a different cp_flag (one observation has a cp_flag equal to "C" and the other to "P"). And then the variable "option_price" serves as the option price of the observation (either the price of the call or put, depending on the cp_flag). Anyone know how this could be coded?

    It is possible that there are multiple pairs of straddles on the same stock over the same holding period, and that is okay.
    Last edited by William Bradley; 04 May 2022, 10:20.