Working on a panel data set of 27 countries across 6 years worth of observations (2005-10) and trying to pick the right model. My specification is as follows for fixed or random effects:
xtreg lnlifeexp lngdp lniws lnphealth lnwbaid lnadbaid yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4 yr5, cluster(country_id)
I used N-1 time dummies (5). When I run my hausman test this is what I get:
. estimate store random
. hausman fixed random, force
---- Coefficients ----
| (b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))
| fixed random Difference Std. err.
lngdp | .0628643 .0606692 .0021951 .0128097
lniws | .0195612 .0186782 .0008831 .0181452
lnphealth | -.0026833 -.0023503 -.000333 .
lnwbaid | -.0005814 -.0004911 -.0000904 .0003009
lnadbaid | -.0003736 -.0003668 -6.81e-06 .0001944
yr1 | -.0362377 -.0366296 .0003919 .0021936
yr2 | -.0273504 -.0277966 .0004462 .0020063
yr3 | -.0214533 -.0216657 .0002123 .0013544
yr4 | -.0147298 -.0148276 .0000977 .0007549
yr5 | -.0062909 -.0063835 .0000926 .0004695
b = Consistent under H0 and Ha; obtained from xtreg.
B = Inconsistent under Ha, efficient under H0; obtained from xtreg.
Test of H0: Difference in coefficients not systematic
chi2(10) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)
= 0.01
Prob > chi2 = 1.0000
(V_b-V_B is not positive definite)
When I try drop the time dummies, I get this:
hausman fixed random, force
---- Coefficients ----
| (b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))
| fixed random Difference Std. err.
lngdp | .1355259 .1238774 .0116485 .0249016
lniws | .2351917 .2210201 .0141715 .0310882
lnphealth | -.0022339 -.0007919 -.001442 .
lnwbaid | -.0030356 -.0032161 .0001805 .0002083
lnadbaid | .0011601 .0011044 .0000556 .0002451
b = Consistent under H0 and Ha; obtained from xtreg.
B = Inconsistent under Ha, efficient under H0; obtained from xtreg.
Test of H0: Difference in coefficients not systematic
chi2(5) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)
= 2.22
Prob > chi2 = 0.8184
(V_b-V_B is not positive definite)
I've read similar threads, but to no avail. In my regressions, the time dummies all have P values of 0, and are therefore significant, but the hausman model including them has a P>CHi2 of 1? Surely something must be wrong? Or does this just mean I go with the Random Effects model?
xtreg lnlifeexp lngdp lniws lnphealth lnwbaid lnadbaid yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4 yr5, cluster(country_id)
I used N-1 time dummies (5). When I run my hausman test this is what I get:
. estimate store random
. hausman fixed random, force
---- Coefficients ----
| (b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))
| fixed random Difference Std. err.
lngdp | .0628643 .0606692 .0021951 .0128097
lniws | .0195612 .0186782 .0008831 .0181452
lnphealth | -.0026833 -.0023503 -.000333 .
lnwbaid | -.0005814 -.0004911 -.0000904 .0003009
lnadbaid | -.0003736 -.0003668 -6.81e-06 .0001944
yr1 | -.0362377 -.0366296 .0003919 .0021936
yr2 | -.0273504 -.0277966 .0004462 .0020063
yr3 | -.0214533 -.0216657 .0002123 .0013544
yr4 | -.0147298 -.0148276 .0000977 .0007549
yr5 | -.0062909 -.0063835 .0000926 .0004695
b = Consistent under H0 and Ha; obtained from xtreg.
B = Inconsistent under Ha, efficient under H0; obtained from xtreg.
Test of H0: Difference in coefficients not systematic
chi2(10) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)
= 0.01
Prob > chi2 = 1.0000
(V_b-V_B is not positive definite)
When I try drop the time dummies, I get this:
hausman fixed random, force
---- Coefficients ----
| (b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))
| fixed random Difference Std. err.
lngdp | .1355259 .1238774 .0116485 .0249016
lniws | .2351917 .2210201 .0141715 .0310882
lnphealth | -.0022339 -.0007919 -.001442 .
lnwbaid | -.0030356 -.0032161 .0001805 .0002083
lnadbaid | .0011601 .0011044 .0000556 .0002451
b = Consistent under H0 and Ha; obtained from xtreg.
B = Inconsistent under Ha, efficient under H0; obtained from xtreg.
Test of H0: Difference in coefficients not systematic
chi2(5) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)
= 2.22
Prob > chi2 = 0.8184
(V_b-V_B is not positive definite)
I've read similar threads, but to no avail. In my regressions, the time dummies all have P values of 0, and are therefore significant, but the hausman model including them has a P>CHi2 of 1? Surely something must be wrong? Or does this just mean I go with the Random Effects model?