Conference Date | Friday, June 10, 2022 10:00 am – 4:30 pm |
Workshop Date | Thursday, June 9, 2022 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm |
Venue | Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main Campus Westend - Casino Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 60323 Frankfurt am Main |
Cost | Meeting only: 45 EUR (students 35 EUR) Workshop only: 65 EUR (students 50 EUR) Workshop and Meeting: 85 EUR (students 70 EUR) |
DEADLINE Workshop and User Meeting registration: June 1, 2022
Meeting The German Stata Users Group Meeting 2022 will be held on Friday, 10th June 2022 in Frankfurt at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. We would like to invite everybody from everywhere who is interested in using Stata to attend this meeting. The academic program of the meeting is being organized by Alexander Schmidt-Catran, Christian Czymara (both Goethe-University Frankfurt), Johannes Giesecke (Humboldt University Berlin), and Ulrich Kohler (University of Potsdam). The conference language will be English due to the international nature of the meeting and the participation of non-German guest speakers. The logistics of the conference are being organized by DPC Software GmbH, distributor of Stata in several countries including Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary (
Workshop On the day before the conference, there will be a workshop titled “Taking a page from Git: Reproducible research & dynamic documents with Stata” given by Sven Spieß. The workshop will be held at Campus Westend, PEG-Building, Room PEG 2G111. Details about the workshop are given below and at or
Conference Dinner There is (at additional cost) the option of an informal meal on Friday evening. Details about this event will be provided soon.
Registration and accommodations
Participants are asked to travel at their own expense. The conference fee covers costs for coffee, tea, and lunch. There will also be an optional informal meal at additional cost on Friday evening.
You can enroll by emailing Natascha Hütter ([email protected]) by writing, phoning, or faxing to
Natascha Hütter
DPC Software GmbH
Prinzenstraße 2
42697 Solingen
Tel: +49 (0)212 / 22 47 16 -21
Conference Program
09:45 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 10:15 Welcome
10:15 - 11:15 Finite Mixture Models for Linked Survey and Administrative Data
Stephen P. Jenkins, Fernando Rios-Avila (The London School of Economics and Political Science; Bard College)
11:15 - 11:45 Coffee
11:45 - 12:15 A mixture of ordered probit models with endogenous switching between two latent classes
Jochem Huismans, Jan Willem Nijenhuis, Andrei Sirchenko (Maastricht University)
12:15 - 12:45 Network analysis using nwxtregress
Jan Ditzen, William Grieser, Morad Zekhnini (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Texas Christian University; Michigan State University)
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:15Visualizing categorical data with hammock plots
Matthias Schonlau (University of Waterloo)
14:15 - 14:45 Measuring the accuracy of the probabilistic predictions of discrete-choice models: The classify command
Jochem Huismans, Jan Willem Nijenhuis, Andrei Sirchenko (Maastricht University)
14:45 - 15:15 Coffee
15:15 - 15:45 Difference-in-differences estimation using Stata
Joerg Luedicke (StataCorp)
15:45 - 16:30 Wishes and grumbles
16:30 End of the meeting
See for abstracts of the presentations,
Conference venue
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Campus Westend – Casino Building
Room: Renate von Metzler-Saal (Cas 1.801)
60323 Frankfurt am Main
How to get to the venue
From the main station, take trains S1-S9 via Hauptwache, switch to U1, U2, U3 or U8 and go to Holzhausenstraße. The campus is about 300 meters from there.
For more information on how to get to the campus, see https://www.goethe-university-frankf...ions?locale=en
For more information on how to get to the buildings, see
(the meeting will take place in Building 7 (Casino) and the workshop in Building 12 (PEG) of this plan)
Topic | Taking a page from Git: Reproducible research & dynamic documents with Stata |
Date and Place | Thursday, June 9, 2022 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm Campus Westend, PEG-Building, Room PEG 2G111 |
Presenter | Sven Spieß |
Fees | Workshop only: 65 EUR (students 50 EUR) Workshop and Meeting: 85 EUR (students 70 EUR) |
Register | [email protected] |
Information | |
In this workshop we will first learn the basics of working with the free and open source version control system Git in conjunction with Stata. After having Git up and running, we will dive into Stata’s facilities for creating dynamic documents to automatically reflect changes in our analyses and/or data.
- Working knowledge of Stata
- Git installed on your system ([](https...m/downloads)); optionally: text editor with support for version control (e.g., VS Code, [](
- Free GitHub account ([](
- Limited prior exposure to Markdown, HTML, & CSS is beneficial but not required
Sven Spieß is a Stata consultant with DPC Software.