I ran this fixed effects panel data regression with time dummys for Human Development Index against a mix of log and linear variables:
xtreg HDI lngdp iws phealth lnwbaid lnbilataid lnadbaid i.year, fe cluster (country_id)
Log GDP per capita, Improved Water Access %, Log Gross World Bank Aid received per capita, log DAC Aid received per capita, log Africa Development Bank aid received per capita and time dummys for each year
Before I used logs, my residuals for the currently logged variables were skewed, but now they are random. But for some reason, my P values are generally quite high and I'm not sure why?
xtreg HDI lngdp iws phealth lnwbaid lnbilataid lnadbaid i.year, fe cluster (country_id)
Log GDP per capita, Improved Water Access %, Log Gross World Bank Aid received per capita, log DAC Aid received per capita, log Africa Development Bank aid received per capita and time dummys for each year
Before I used logs, my residuals for the currently logged variables were skewed, but now they are random. But for some reason, my P values are generally quite high and I'm not sure why?