Dear all,
I am trying to export two tables with the usual code, which a while ago was working perfectly. Now it just produces two empty tables with only LaTeX preamble. I post the code with the web dataset I am using here below:
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Thank you very much in advance!
I am trying to export two tables with the usual code, which a while ago was working perfectly. Now it just produces two empty tables with only LaTeX preamble. I post the code with the web dataset I am using here below:
use, clear estpost tabstat read female write, c(stat) stat(sum mean sd min max n) esttab using "$teout/table1.tex", replace //// cells("sum(fmt(%13.0fc)) mean(fmt(%13.2fc)) sd(fmt(%13.2fc)) min max count") nonumber /// nomtitle nonote noobs label booktabs /// collabels("Sum" "Mean" "SD" "Min" "Max" "N") eststo clear // clear the est locals estpost tabstat read write, by(female) c(stat) stat(mean sd) nototal esttab using "$teout/table2.tex", replace /// main(mean %15.2f) aux(sd %15.2f) nostar nonumber unstack /// compress nonote noobs gap label booktabs /// collabels(none) /// eqlabels("Male" "Female") /// nomtitles