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  • Testing for Normality using Jarque-Bera in Panel Data (xtsktest + jb)

    Dear Stata community,

    currently, I am trying to decide whether my data is normally distributed or not using the Jarque-Bera test. The test runs fine, however, after reading the manual, looking at other posts (most of which are unanswered), and watching youtube videos, I have not found a way how to interpret the results for panel data. I would be very grateful if somebody could please help me with this.

    xtsktest resid
    (running _xtsktest_calculations on estimation sample)
    Bootstrap replications (50)
    ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
    ..................................................    50
    Tests for skewness and kurtosis                          Number of obs = 3,683
                                                             Replications  =    50
                                      (Replications based on 559 clusters in firm)
                 |   Observed   Bootstrap                         Normal-based
                 | coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
      Skewness_e |  -.0002604   .0001401    -1.86   0.063     -.000535    .0000142
      Kurtosis_e |   .0003008   .0001085     2.77   0.006     .0000882    .0005134
      Skewness_u |   .0001761    .000113     1.56   0.119    -.0000454    .0003976
      Kurtosis_u |  -7.41e-06   .0000286    -0.26   0.795    -.0000634    .0000486
    Joint test for Normality on e:        chi2(2) =  11.14    Prob > chi2 = 0.0038
    Joint test for Normality on u:        chi2(2) =   2.49    Prob > chi2 = 0.2873
    . jb resid
    Jarque-Bera normality test:   2878 Chi(2)      0
    Jarque-Bera test for Ho: normality:
    Thank you very much!


  • #2
    first, with such a huge number of observations, it's easy that analytical tests reject the null (that, in your case relates to the epsilon error only).
    Hence, if you're planning to go -xtreg-, you can invoke -robust- or -vce(cluster panelid)- options (they do the very same job under -xtreg-) to fix the heteroskedasticity issue.
    In addition, with 559 clusters, you should go non-default standard errors anyhow.
    As an aside, please notify the list whe you use a community-contributed module (like -xtsktest-) for rerasons that are well explained in the FAQ. Thanks.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Dear Carlo,

      thank you for your prompt reply.

      as I am not sure how to interpret these results, could you please specify which values you are taking into account when concluding "reject the null (that, in your case relates to the epsilon error only)."

      Also, what do you mean with "you should go non-default standard errors anyhow"?

      And I will be sure to mention the community-contributed models in the future.



      • #4
        1) I refer to:
        Joint test for Normality on e:        chi2(2) =  11.14    Prob > chi2 = 0.0038
        2) set aside heteroskedasticity, with 559 clusters, within panel serial correlation of the epsilon error is likely; that's why non-default standard errors should be the way to go.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          So, if I understood correctly, I have heteroskedasticity and, therefore, you would recommend running my fixed-effects model with the robust option (which accounts for the non-default standard errors), i.e. my code would look like this:
          xtreg ROA2 crt_InvestorPressureScore, fe robust


          • #6
            In addition, please note that, unlike under -regress-, -robust- or -vce(cluster panelid)- options (they do the very same job under -xtreg-) and take into account serial correlation too (if existing).
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Dear Carlo,
              thank you for the clarification. I looked up the serial correlation now as well and found the community contributed program xtserial to detect the presence of serial correlation (downloaded from the Stata Journal).

              Running it, I got the following result:
              . xtserial InvestorPressureScore EnvironmentalPillarScore ROA1 IndependentBoardScore CeoDuality FirmAge GicSectorCode at Financ
              > ialLeverage2 UNPRISignatoryScore EnvironmentalInnovationScore
              Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data
              H0: no first-order autocorrelation
                  F(  1,     413) =      8.892
                         Prob > F =      0.0030
              If I interpret the results correctly, it means that there is a serial correlation.

              Judging by another comment you made in a thread, it should not be too big of an issue for my dataset, right? N = 5,142; T = 10 (years 2010-2020)

              Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
              in the light of what I have (self)learnt in these years, serial correlation is a nasty issue when you have small N, large T panel dataset.
              If the reverse holds, it is a minor issue and clustering standard errors can be all that is required to deal with it.
              Please consider that I usually work with linear regression models for panel dataset (-xtreg- in Stata).


              • #8
                it is not an issue at all if you invoke -robust- or -vce(cluster panelid)- options for standard errors.
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #9
                  Thank you for your help, Carlo! I misunderstood your last comment and thought you advised me to take serial correlation into account as well, rather than xtreg robust doing it automatically.

                  Enjoy the rest of your day


                  • #10
                    Good morning Carlo,

                    now I am rerunning my regressions with the fe robust option and my degrees of freedom in the F-Test significantly decrease. What could this be due to? It seems like it is acknowledging the groups instead of the observations in this case.

                    fe Model without robust (, fe)
                    F(18,3106) = 11.12
                     xtreg ROA2 EnvironmentalPillarScore crt_InvestorPressureScore IndependentBoardScore CeoDuality FirmAge at FinancialLeverage2 
                    > UNPRISignatoryScore EnvironmentalInnovationScore i.GicSectorCod i.Year, fe 
                    note: 15.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 20.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 25.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 30.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 35.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 40.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 45.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 50.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 55.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 60.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 2020.Year omitted because of collinearity.
                    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      3,683
                    Group variable: firm                            Number of groups  =        559
                    R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                         Within  = 0.0605                                         min =          1
                         Between = 0.0000                                         avg =        6.6
                         Overall = 0.0004                                         max =         11
                                                                    F(18,3106)        =      11.12
                    corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.6165                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                            ROA2 | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                        EnvironmentalPillarScore |  -.0000365   .0000992    -0.37   0.713    -.0002311    .0001581
                       crt_InvestorPressureScore |  -.0000136   7.86e-06    -1.74   0.083     -.000029    1.77e-06
                           IndependentBoardScore |   6.55e-06   .0000532     0.12   0.902    -.0000977    .0001108
                                      CeoDuality |    .000341   .0028032     0.12   0.903    -.0051554    .0058373
                                         FirmAge |  -.0018165   .0005633    -3.22   0.001     -.002921    -.000712
                                              at |  -6.71e-08   3.13e-08    -2.15   0.032    -1.28e-07   -5.77e-09
                              FinancialLeverage2 |  -.0706042   .0097865    -7.21   0.000    -.0897929   -.0514155
                             UNPRISignatoryScore |  -.0062503   .0212308    -0.29   0.768    -.0478782    .0353775
                    EnvironmentalInnovationScore |   .0000614   .0000674     0.91   0.363    -.0000708    .0001935
                                   GicSectorCode |
                                             15  |          0  (omitted)
                                             20  |          0  (omitted)
                                             25  |          0  (omitted)
                                             30  |          0  (omitted)
                                             35  |          0  (omitted)
                                             40  |          0  (omitted)
                                             45  |          0  (omitted)
                                             50  |          0  (omitted)
                                             55  |          0  (omitted)
                                             60  |          0  (omitted)
                                            Year |
                                           2011  |   .0066602     .00353     1.89   0.059    -.0002612    .0135817
                                           2012  |   .0004499   .0034014     0.13   0.895    -.0062193    .0071191
                                           2013  |   .0020875   .0033524     0.62   0.534    -.0044856    .0086606
                                           2014  |   .0082337   .0033715     2.44   0.015     .0016232    .0148443
                                           2015  |  -.0027242   .0034076    -0.80   0.424    -.0094056    .0039573
                                           2016  |   .0066789   .0037564     1.78   0.076    -.0006865    .0140442
                                           2017  |   .0139444    .004142     3.37   0.001     .0058229    .0220658
                                           2018  |   .0193495   .0037429     5.17   0.000     .0120106    .0266884
                                           2019  |    .011117   .0037461     2.97   0.003     .0037719    .0184621
                                           2020  |          0  (omitted)
                                           _cons |   .2405236   .0186362    12.91   0.000     .2039831    .2770641
                                         sigma_u |  .09701257
                                         sigma_e |  .04712117
                                             rho |  .80910984   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                    F test that all u_i=0: F(558, 3106) = 14.69                  Prob > F = 0.0000
                    fe Model with robust (, fe robust)
                    F(18,558) = 6.62
                    . xtreg ROA2 EnvironmentalPillarScore crt_InvestorPressureScore IndependentBoardScore CeoDuality FirmAge at FinancialLeverage2 
                    > UNPRISignatoryScore EnvironmentalInnovationScore i.GicSectorCod i.Year, fe robust
                    note: 15.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 20.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 25.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 30.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 35.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 40.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 45.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 50.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 55.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 60.GicSectorCode omitted because of collinearity.
                    note: 2020.Year omitted because of collinearity.
                    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      3,683
                    Group variable: firm                            Number of groups  =        559
                    R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                         Within  = 0.0605                                         min =          1
                         Between = 0.0000                                         avg =        6.6
                         Overall = 0.0004                                         max =         11
                                                                    F(18,558)         =       6.62
                    corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.6165                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                                     (Std. err. adjusted for 559 clusters in firm)
                                                 |               Robust
                                            ROA2 | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                        EnvironmentalPillarScore |  -.0000365   .0001551    -0.24   0.814    -.0003413    .0002682
                       crt_InvestorPressureScore |  -.0000136   .0000107    -1.27   0.204    -.0000347    7.43e-06
                           IndependentBoardScore |   6.55e-06   .0000763     0.09   0.932    -.0001433    .0001564
                                      CeoDuality |    .000341   .0036031     0.09   0.925    -.0067364    .0074184
                                         FirmAge |  -.0018165   .0009821    -1.85   0.065    -.0037455    .0001125
                                              at |  -6.71e-08   3.83e-08    -1.75   0.081    -1.42e-07    8.18e-09
                              FinancialLeverage2 |  -.0706042   .0559752    -1.26   0.208    -.1805521    .0393437
                             UNPRISignatoryScore |  -.0062503    .008872    -0.70   0.481    -.0236769    .0111763
                    EnvironmentalInnovationScore |   .0000614   .0000935     0.66   0.512    -.0001222    .0002449
                                   GicSectorCode |
                                             15  |          0  (omitted)
                                             20  |          0  (omitted)
                                             25  |          0  (omitted)
                                             30  |          0  (omitted)
                                             35  |          0  (omitted)
                                             40  |          0  (omitted)
                                             45  |          0  (omitted)
                                             50  |          0  (omitted)
                                             55  |          0  (omitted)
                                             60  |          0  (omitted)
                                            Year |
                                           2011  |   .0066602   .0021041     3.17   0.002     .0025273    .0107932
                                           2012  |   .0004499   .0027208     0.17   0.869    -.0048944    .0057942
                                           2013  |   .0020875   .0027596     0.76   0.450    -.0033329    .0075079
                                           2014  |   .0082337   .0033115     2.49   0.013     .0017292    .0147383
                                           2015  |  -.0027242   .0056082    -0.49   0.627      -.01374    .0082917
                                           2016  |   .0066789   .0037742     1.77   0.077    -.0007345    .0140922
                                           2017  |   .0139444   .0047863     2.91   0.004     .0045431    .0233456
                                           2018  |   .0193495   .0039963     4.84   0.000     .0114999    .0271991
                                           2019  |    .011117   .0033113     3.36   0.001     .0046129     .017621
                                           2020  |          0  (omitted)
                                           _cons |   .2405236    .024762     9.71   0.000     .1918855    .2891616
                                         sigma_u |  .09701257
                                         sigma_e |  .04712117
                                             rho |  .80910984   (fraction of variance due to u_i)


                    • #11
                      1) if you go -xtreg,fe- time-invariant variables, such as -industry-, are wiped out (as expected) by the -fe- estimator: hence, there's no gain in plugging them in the right-hand side of your regression equation;
                      2) you're right: if you go cluster-robust standard errors (SEs), the degrees of freedom at the denominator of the F-statistics are (N-1) clusters (or groups, as you wrote). Please not that there's nothing sinister in that. In addition, your non-default SEs are higher (as expected) of their default counterparts. Stick with them and move forward.
                      Kind regards,
                      (StataNow 18.5)


                      • #12
                        Thank you, Carlo! All clear

